I had another ultrasound the other day at 26W,5d but I'm measuring at 28 W, 5d. Is anyone else's baby measuring bigger? Does it sound normal?
Stock up on essentials like pads, nursing bras, and comfortable clothing, and create a postpartum recovery plan with your healthcare provider.
You should aim to gain 1-2 pounds per week during the third trimester, or a total of 25-35 pounds if you started at a healthy weight.
Common discomforts include back pain, Braxton Hicks contractions, heartburn, and shortness of breath.
You should feel your baby move at least 10 times in a two-hour period. If you're not feeling enough movement, contact your healthcare provider.
Elevating your feet, drinking plenty of water, and wearing comfortable shoes can help relieve swollen feet and ankles.
A birth plan outlines your preferences for labor and delivery, and can help you communicate with your healthcare provider. It's optional, but can be helpful.
I had another ultrasound the other day at 26W,5d but I'm measuring at 28 W, 5d. Is anyone else's baby measuring bigger? Does it sound normal?
Was told I was measuring small for 26w and 2days at my growth scan today. After my last growth scan they said they looked perfect and measuring correctly, they are now both 1lb and 11oz and slightly freaked out 🥲
Anyone else with big babies? My son was measuring in the 95th percentile at 20 weeks currently 26w never had babies on the bigger side. What was y’all experience?
Anyone have any pics of 26w 3D ultrasound? It’s been 2 years since I’ve been prego and we go Saturday at 26.2!
I had a slight pink discharge this morning and a little possibly later not sure what's happening any advice I'm 26w
Starting maybe week 24ish I wanna say I started getting round ligament pain it’s worse at night. Today I’ve had it almost the whole day. I’m 26w is that normal? I just took a really warm shower and it helped a ton. But does round ligament pain last for hours how was everyone else’s experience and when did it seem to decrease?
Is there any kind of energy drink I can drink while 26W pregnant? I need some kind of caffeine fix 😴