It feels like someone punched me in my boobies. They hurt so bad and they’re so sensitive. In 25w 4d is this normal? It may be but damn 🥴
Exercise, good posture, and stretching can help relieve back pain during pregnancy. Talk to your doctor for specific recommendations.
You can start packing your hospital bag anytime during the third trimester, but aim to have it packed by 36-37 weeks, just in case you go into labor early.
Deep breathing, visualization, and meditation can help you relax and manage stress during the third trimester.
Yes, but it's important to talk to your doctor first and choose low-impact exercises that are safe for you and your baby.
Preeclampsia is a serious pregnancy complication that involves high blood pressure and other symptoms. Treatment may involve medication and early delivery.
It feels like someone punched me in my boobies. They hurt so bad and they’re so sensitive. In 25w 4d is this normal? It may be but damn 🥴
Had my appointment today at 25w 3d to check on baby boy and my cerclage. Baby boy is measuring in the 98% and weighing in at estimated weight 2lb 6oz. I have to go back and do my glucose test to rule out gestational diabetes since he’s measuring 3 weeks ahead.
I’m 25w and 3 days today any other momma’s due in May?? I’m supposed to be due anywhere from 10th - 13th comment your date below I wanna see if I have any pregnancy twins❤️
Hey Mamas, I don’t know if I should be worried but I’m 25W and 2Days and I started to First feel the baby move Nov.13th and yesterday and today his movements have been very slow .. Should I be worried ??