2 Apr 2024

Why My Pelvis Is Important

Why My Pelvis Is Important
Your pelvis plays a vital role throughout your pregnancy, providing support, stability, and space for your growing baby.
It serves multiple purposes that contribute to the successful progression of your pregnancy and the birthing process.
Here's a closer look at the purpose of your pelvis during pregnancy:
Structural Support
  • Foundation for Your Growing Baby: The pelvis forms a sturdy foundation to support the weight of your growing baby and the changes your body undergoes during pregnancy. It helps distribute the weight evenly and prevents excessive strain on other parts of your body.
  • Spinal Alignment: The pelvis, along with the spine, helps maintain proper alignment and posture. As your baby grows, the increased weight in the front can pull your pelvis forward, causing a change in your center of gravity. Your body naturally adjusts to accommodate these changes and maintain balance.
Accommodation of the Baby
  • Room for Growth: The shape and size of your pelvis provide ample space for your baby to grow and develop throughout pregnancy. It allows the uterus to expand and provides sufficient room for the baby to move and change positions.
  • Engagement and Descent: As you near the end of your pregnancy, your baby's head will gradually engage into the pelvis, preparing for birth. The pelvis helps guide the baby's descent through the birth canal during labor and delivery.
Labor and Birth
  • Expanding and Opening: The pelvis is designed to adapt and expand during labor to accommodate the passage of your baby. The bones of the pelvis, particularly the pubic symphysis and sacroiliac joints, have some flexibility that allows them to slightly widen, creating more space for the baby to move through.
  • Provision of a Birth Canal: The pelvic bones, along with the soft tissues, ligaments, and muscles, create the birth canal through which your baby will pass during childbirth. The shape and dimensions of the pelvis, specifically the pelvic outlet, can influence the ease of labor and the positions your baby may assume during birth.
Postpartum Recovery
  • Support for Healing: After giving birth, the pelvis continues to provide support for your body as it heals and recovers. The ligaments and tissues surrounding the pelvis gradually return to their pre-pregnancy state, helping restore stability and function.
  • Pelvic Floor Health: The pelvis houses the pelvic floor muscles, which play a crucial role in supporting your pelvic organs, controlling urinary and bowel functions, and providing sexual pleasure. Postpartum exercises, such as Kegels and pelvic floor strengthening exercises, can help restore strength and tone to these muscles.
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26 Aug 2023

My pelvis is so unstable and the joints are all so loose its ridiculous. Every step hurts my pubis symphysis so much. Trying to bowl today with my husband and I feel like my pelvis is just going to rip apart 😩

Taylor R
This is me smh it’s so painful
27 Mar 2024


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Ki 💝
Get the maternity band ! I know how you feel. It definitely works
27 Mar 2024


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