2 Apr 2024

Urinary leakage, a pregnancy symptom

Urinary leakage
As you go further along in your pregnancy, you may find that you need to urinate more frequently or encounter an unintentional release of urine. It can happen when you cough, sneeze, or even laugh.

No worries, it’s your baby growing and putting pressure on your bladder. 
Juliette Seblon
Midwife for 8+ years
Is it normal?
It can be an uncomfortable and embarrassing symptom, but it's important to know that you're not alone and there are ways to manage it. Indeed, urinary leakage is experienced by many pregnant women, and it's completely normal.

Over time, many women find that their symptoms improve or disappear altogether.
Prevent and care
Proper management of urinary leakage is essential to maintain hygiene and avoid embarrassment.
  • Perform pelvic floor exercises (Kegels) to strengthen the muscles that support the bladder. 
  • Empty your bladder regularly to reduce pressure. 
  • Consider using absorbent pads or liners for added protection.
If you experience urinary incontinence during pregnancy, you are at higher risk of having a persistent problem after birth. Tell your health care provider about urinary incontinence symptoms as soon as you notice them during pregnancy or at your first postnatal visit.
Juliette, Midwife for 8+ years
When to consult?
If you're struggling with urinary leakage during your pregnancy, your healthcare provider can give you tips on how to manage the symptom and may recommend exercises or refer you to a pelvic floor physical therapist.

It's also important to rule out any underlying conditions that could be causing the leakage, such as a urinary tract infection. Don't hesitate to reach out for help and support.
Top Asked Questions
Why do hormonal changes during pregnancy lead to urinary leakage, and when is it most common?

Hormonal fluctuations, including elevated progesterone, relax bladder muscles, and urinary leakage is most common during the second and third trimesters.

Can pelvic floor exercises help prevent or manage urinary leakage during pregnancy?

Yes, performing pelvic floor exercises (Kegels) can strengthen the supportive muscles and reduce leakage. Consult with your healthcare provider for guidance.

Are there specific signs that indicate I should consult with a healthcare provider about urinary leakage during pregnancy?

If urinary leakage is frequent, severe, or accompanied by pain or discomfort, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare provider for evaluation and tailored advice.

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All I Need to Know
20 Jul 2023

This is my first pregnancy so right now I don't know if my water broke or if I am just experiencing urine leakage. I'm 38+6 weeks and I'm 1cm dilated, 50% effaced. Could it be possible that my water broke or I'm experiencing urine leakage?

Ur water can break before you’re fully dilated. If it’s constant leakage maybe it’s your water. Did you feel a pop at all? Sometimes you don’t, just remember urine has a smell (ask your partner if you can’t distinguish your own smell bc sometimes we can’t) water shouldn’t have a smell
27 Mar 2024


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This is also my first... but since ur so far along i would assume its your water since you arnt sure. Keep a look out for those contractions! Or touch base with a doc to be certain. Good luck either way 🙏💪🏽
27 Mar 2024


18 Jun 2023

Struggling with bladder control issues / leakage. I feel like I'm way too early to be struggling with this. I also have endometrios on on my bladder so that my be contributing. Anyone else going through this? Does anything help?

Everytime I laugh or cough I pee a little and I’m only 17 weeks. Idk any remedies to help but just letting you know your not alone!
27 Mar 2024


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Keagels. They helps strengthen your pelvic floor/muscles. It’s one of the best exercises they recommend to help with bladder control and to help with contractions as well.
27 Mar 2024


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