2 Apr 2024

Understanding Baby's Growth Spurts

Navigating Your Newborn's Growth Spurts: What You Need to Know 🌱📈
Feeding Frenzy: The Newborn Roller Coaster 🍼🎢
Just when you think you've established a somewhat predictable feeding routine, your newborn can abruptly throw you a curveball. Suddenly, they're eating every hour, and even after a feeding, they act as if they're famished.
If you're worried about whether your baby is getting enough nourishment, take a breath. Your little one isn't starving, despite their voracious appetite. What you're observing is likely their first growth spurt, a milestone that typically occurs about five times within their inaugural year.
Understanding Baby Growth Spurts 🌟
The first year is a period of remarkable growth for babies, and much of this transformation happens through growth spurts—brief, intense periods of rapid development. Over these initial 12 months, infants often triple their weight and gain an average of 10 inches in height.
Prior to a growth spurt, your baby's weight might show a gradual increase, but after a spurt, it could suddenly skyrocket. Yes, it's real—your baby truly did outgrow their newborn outfits practically overnight!
When to Anticipate Growth Spurts 📅
Baby growth spurts can arise at any point during the first year, though there are common timeframes:
  • 1 to 3 weeks
  • 6 to 8 weeks
  • 3 months
  • 6 months
  • 9 months
Remember, these ranges are general guidelines; your baby might experience a growth spurt slightly before or after these milestones. To track their progress, pediatricians employ infant growth charts, referencing data from the World Health Organization (WHO) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC). These charts compare your baby's weight, length, and head circumference against others of the same age.
Deciphering Growth Spurt Signals 📈👶
Curious about signs of a growth spurt? Here's how to recognize your little one's developmental surge:
  • Increased Hunger: Your baby demands nonstop feeding—every hour or two, sometimes even every 30 minutes. If breastfeeding, know that frequent feeds stimulate milk production to match their growing appetite. Older babies might intensify nursing and increase their intake of solid foods.
  • Night Wakings: A baby who was enjoying a lengthy five- or six-hour sleep stretch might wake up more frequently during a growth spurt. Midnight snacks and early-morning feeds might become a regular occurrence.
  • Fussiness: During feeding, your baby may fuss, latch and unlatch, impatient for more milk. This heightened demand might exceed your milk production initially, leading to some frustration. Plus, disrupted sleep patterns can affect their mood.
The Duration of Growth Spurts
While it might seem like your baby will never stop eating, rest assured that most growth spurts last just a few days. Afterward, life will settle back into a more familiar rhythm—well, as familiar as it gets with a newborn!
The Sleep Conundrum 😴
During growth spurts, infants might sleep more during the days when they're experiencing a length-oriented growth spurt. However, it's also common for them to awaken frequently, seeking extra nourishment. Some might even undergo sleep regressions during these times.
Managing Growth Spurts 💪🍼
Balancing the demands of a newborn with their sudden appetite surge can be overwhelming. Stay hydrated, enlist the help of your partner or friends for household chores, and prepare for additional feeding sessions. Entertainment like your favorite show or a good book can help pass the time.
If breastfeeding, persevere. While it's natural to worry when your baby appears hungrier and fussier than usual, remember that around-the-clock feeds are their way of boosting your milk supply to cater to their growing appetite.
Should concerns arise, monitor two key aspects: diapers and weight gain. If your baby gains ounces and produces five or six wet diapers daily, they're doing well.
In due time, the insatiable hunger will ease, the growth spurt will conclude, and life will revert to its normal rhythm—until the next growth spurt arrives.
17 Jan 2024

Went to MFM today for growth scan and baby girl is already weighing 6lbs 2oz they didn’t seem concerned and told me they can have growth spurts then even out eeep next appt is Feb 14 before I have her at 38 weeks

I wanted my next appointment on Feb 14th. But my husband wasn't having it lol 😂
27 Mar 2024


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I have one feb 9th because baby girl is on the smaller side & im so nervous on how it’s gonna go 😩💗
27 Mar 2024


14 Jun 2023

So why didn’t nobody tell me you can go to sleep 13 weeks and wake up 15 weeks. Smh doctor told me I’m 15 weeks and that baby grow in spurts.

Whaaat I didn't know that
27 Mar 2024


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11 Jan 2023

Do growth spurts happen around 4 months? He just was fed an hr and half ago and I think he might be getting hungry again. He usually waits 3 to 4 hours between feedings.

Yes! Mine did a 4 month grow spurt & then a 6 month grow spurt!
27 Mar 2024


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8 Dec 2022

I can literally feel the baby growing. On days she has growth spurts I get so nauseous 🤢😩 and she moves a whole lot like she’s making room. Every time I have a day like this my stomach grows bigger.

Yes, when my baby makes a big move it makes me throw up.
27 Mar 2024


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So not just me!
27 Mar 2024


24 Jun 2022

When it comes to breastfeeding and growth spurts will you have to increase bottle amount when you won't be around to breastfeed or is 4oz enough still for them? Asking cuz my sons daddy and his grandmother thinks he needs more when I'm not home. Plus he gets two 4oz bottles while im gone for work from 4pm to 930sih pm. I feel like he gets to much in the time I'm gone plus they want to give him more since he's going through a growth spurt. Idk what to do. I'm a first time mom trying to get this all figured out.

I would say just leave more bottles with smaller amount in them so they can use them if they need too. If you are able to do that.
27 Mar 2024


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If your baby is going through a growth spurt then very well need more. My son ate pretty much every hour on all his growth spurts. He was breastfed.
27 Mar 2024
