Almost 37 weeks 😩💓 doctor says my cervix is soft and thinning up. Anyway to help the cervix soften up more 🥹 I just now started drinking raspberry leaf tea. Heard it’s good for the last few weeks of pregnancy?
The cervix plays a vital role during your pregnancy. When it is fully open, birth is imminent!
Almost 37 weeks 😩💓 doctor says my cervix is soft and thinning up. Anyway to help the cervix soften up more 🥹 I just now started drinking raspberry leaf tea. Heard it’s good for the last few weeks of pregnancy?
Pregnancy Trivia ‼️ Question: What is the term used to describe the thinning of the cervix?
Hello, I’m 3 cm dilated and my cervix is thinning but I went to the bathroom and saw a wet spot on my underwear. They said if I was started leaking then to head to the hospital but I’m not sure if that’s what it is… I need help.
27 weeks and my cervix is thinning which is causing my abdominal pain and my bleeding , how do I stop the bleeding ?
Am 29 weeks and my cervix is thinning out and having braxton hicks contrations. My doctor wants to start the steroids shots to be safe if my baby comes early.
Dr's appt today for the twins.. My cervix has thinned pretty early down to 2.3 cm so they put me on progesterone.. I've never taken it, any of you taken it? And any twin moms experience thinning this much? I'm so worried I'm going to have them too early. Also they are 3 pounds each so that's at least a silver lining!!
Still at 1cm but my cervix is thinning out and 30% effaced I been cramping bad but the hospital didn't do anything sent me back home I'm so ready for this to be over
This girl done tricked us into thinking she’s about too come 😐 now we stuck over night at this hospital even tho I’m not having ANY contractions but my cervix is thinning (about 50% thinned they said)
30w4days lost my mucus plug last week and my cervix is thinning out at at 20% now
37 weeks today and no signs of anything. Hopefully this is normal lol? Cervix was checked at 36+3 but was still closed it was only thinning. 😬