So does using an exercise ball actually help bring on labor?🥲 I’m tired of being pregnant now lol
So does using an exercise ball actually help bring on labor?🥲 I’m tired of being pregnant now lol
Been practicing flipping my baby girl head down! I think it’s amazing how much control we actually have on what goes on inside the womb, how much control we have on the outcome of our labor & birth! Diet, exercise, gently pushing them through the belly to wake them up or rocking the hips to sooth them from squirming around. She loves to do yoga with me & we love to poke each other to say “Hi” I can’t help but think we have met in a past life. I can tell we are already so close 💞 #pastlife #poke #comfort #control #diet #exercise #yoga
Just took a warm shower did my activating labor exercise about to eat pineapple and drink my raspberry leaf tea, finally tomorrow im 40 weeks my due date is tomorrow lets see what tomorrow bring us … GN mommy’s and mommy’s to be