I am 10 weeks post partum. At the beginning, I was oversupplying and pumping every 2-3 hours getting at least 4-6oz out of each breast. Because of how much I was producing, I was told to cut down and start pumping every 3-4 hours instead. I did that and my supply DROPPED to 1-1.5 oz on left side and 2oz on right side. I take 3 different lactation supplements, post partum vitamin, tried power pumping, increase frequency and pump for longer times, etc. I'm only making 3.5ml per pump and my baby is eating/needing/wanting 4.5... She gets frustrated and fussy when breastfeeding (probably because she isn't getting enough), and no wonder because I'm not producing enough.. TIPS on how to increase supply?!!! I don't want to start using my stash..