2 Apr 2024

Swollen labia, a pregnancy symptom

Swollen labia
During pregnancy, hormonal changes can cause the tissues in and around the vagina to become engorged with blood and fluids, which can lead to swelling in the labia (the outer lips of the vagina).

As the pregnancy progresses, the weight of the uterus and your growing baby may put pressure on your pelvic region, which can also contribute to swelling and discomfort in the labia. This may be particularly noticeable in the later stages of pregnancy.
Juliette Seblon
Midwife for 8+ years
Is it normal?
During pregnancy, it's common to experience some swelling in the labia due to changes in hormones and increased blood flow. 

Don't worry, this is a normal part of pregnancy and usually nothing to be concerned about. In most cases, the swelling and discomfort will resolve after delivery.
Prevent and care
There’s not much you can do to prevent swollen labia, but you can find relief by avoiding sitting or standing for long periods of time.
  • Use a pillow or cushion when sitting to alleviate pressure on the pelvic area. 
  • Wear loose-fitting, breathable underwear made of natural fabrics. 
  • Maintain good hygiene to prevent irritation and discomfort.
While it’s pretty common, it’s a good idea to flag any vaginal swelling during pregnancy for your care provider so they can help pinpoint the cause and get you sweet relief ASAP.
Juliette, Midwife for 8+ years
When to consult?
However, in some cases, the swelling may be accompanied by itching, redness, or pain, which may indicate an infection or other medical issue. In such cases, it is important to consult a doctor for a proper diagnosis and treatment.
Top Asked Questions
Why do hormonal changes during pregnancy cause swollen labia, and when is it most common?

Hormonal fluctuations, including elevated progesterone, can affect the pelvic region, and swelling is most common during the second and third trimesters.

Are there specific treatments for swollen labia during pregnancy?

Using a pillow for support when sitting and wearing comfortable, breathable underwear can help manage discomfort. Consult with a healthcare provider if swelling is severe or persistent.

Is it normal for labia to remain swollen after childbirth?

Some postpartum swelling is normal, but it should gradually subside. If it persists or worsens, consult with a healthcare provider.

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All I Need to Know
1 Jun 2023

Please this is a very important question my labia is swollen and it’s been like this for a few days it went down yesterday but is back my OBGYN said everything was okay I haven’t been having any contractions but it’s just weird to me has anyone ever had this?

Yes it's completely normal it can be due to increased blood flow because well your body is making a baby. Just watch your discharge for blood and contractions that are 5 min apart. Other than that you are doing okay ☺️
27 Mar 2024


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So even at this early it’s normal?
27 Mar 2024


28 Jun 2022

Hi ladies so I have a tmi question 🥹 so I have a pimple on my labia and it’s uncomfortable idk if to leave it alone or maybe put some type of ointment ☹️ has anyone had this ?

I’d try putting warm wash cloth on it to try and open it up naturally. And then just make sure to keep that area dry as much as possible.
27 Mar 2024


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Have u looked at it with a mirror to make sure that's what it is? I get skin tags when I'm pregnant. Got one now that I need to get removed...mine feels like a pimple but it's not.
27 Mar 2024


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