12 Mar 2024

The second pregnancy ultrasound

The second ultrasound takes place at the end of the 5th month of pregnancy and is called the "anatomy ultrasound".

For the 2nd ultrasound, you are more relaxed.

  • Many risks are ruled out.
  • The interview lasts 45 minutes.
  • Your baby is moving and has grown well.
  • He measures 20 cm on average for 500 to 700 grams.

The midwife or obstetrician checks the spine, the kidneys, and the stomach, but especially they check if the heart has formed. You will discover if it is a boy or a girl.

But you might want to keep it a surprise!

11 May 2022

Update on what’s been going on. They’ve been trying to close this hole in his heart. The first dose of meds didn’t close it all the way so they’re doing a second dose of meds today. Friday they’ll perform a echo to see if it closed if not they’ll have to do surgery soon he’ll also get a blood transfusion as of today. He has blood but not enough since he’s so little and can’t produce it right now. Everyday is a fight! Hang on mommies we got this💪🏽💙

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Pray That God Works Everything Out And Heal Him But Stay Strong And Keep Faith Love …Everything Going To Work Out In Your Favor 🙏🏽💕
11 May 2022


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Prayers for you and baby
11 May 2022
