2 Apr 2024

Recognizing Normal vs. Abnormal Newborn Behavior

Decoding Newborn Health: Recognizing Signs of Illness 👶🏥
Bringing your newborn home is a thrilling milestone, yet the presence of a tiny infant can also evoke stress for various reasons. Worries about your baby falling ill are common. How will you discern the signs? Identifying illness in newborns isn't always straightforward.
Vigilance is key, especially when it comes to your newborn's appearance and behavior. Should anything appear out of the ordinary, contacting your baby's healthcare provider promptly is imperative. Some deviations that could raise concern encompass:
  • Symptoms of Illness: These encompass increased crying, irritability, coughing, diarrhea, or vomiting. Notably, immediate medical attention is necessary if your newborn vomits green (bile).
  • Feeding Changes: Newborns typically feed frequently. If you need to rouse your baby to eat or they struggle to complete feedings, it might be an indicator of sickness.
  • Fever: Any fever, particularly exceeding 100.4 F (38 C), merits a call to the doctor.
  • Temperature Fluctuations: Should your baby's temperature plummet below 96.8 F (36 C), reaching out to the doctor is advised.
  • Alterations in Crying: Unusual cry patterns, whether weak, unusual in sound, or incessantly frantic, warrant attention.
  • Sucking Weakness: Difficulty in sucking or sustaining a suck.
  • Sweating During Feeding: Perspiring while eating.
  • Excessive Sleepiness: Unusual drowsiness, requiring waking for feeding.
  • Decreased Muscle Tone: Limbs appearing floppy or decreased muscle tone.
  • Unusual Breathing Noises: Moaning or grunting sounds during breathing.
  • Reduced Urination and Dry Mouth: Fewer wet diapers and signs of dehydration like a dry mouth.
  • Change in Skin Color: Variations such as pale, bluish, or gray arms and legs.
Nurturing Informed Care
While illness isn't common in newborns, certain conditions are prevalent in the initial weeks after birth. Stay attuned for indications of these conditions and alert your baby's healthcare provider if any symptoms surface.
  • Abdominal Distension: A swollen or hard abdomen could signal gas, constipation, or potential intestinal issues if accompanied by vomiting or prolonged absence of bowel movement.
  • Cyanosis: Mild bluish extremities due to cold or crying are typical. However, persistent blue coloring alongside breathing or feeding difficulties necessitates immediate medical attention.
  • Feeding-Related Coughing: Occasional coughing as your newborn adapts to feeding is normal. Yet, regular coughing or gagging during feeding could suggest lung or digestive issues.
  • Excessive Crying: While crying is routine for newborns, persistent, inexplicable shrieking or prolonged crying could be significant.
  • Jaundice: A yellowish tint in newborns' skin, resulting from bilirubin buildup, is common. However, excessive buildup can pose problems. Monitor the spread of jaundice and alert your doctor if necessary.
  • Respiratory Distress: Obstructed nasal passages often cause breathing trouble, which is manageable. Yet, other signs like rapid breathing, rib muscle involvement, flared nostrils, grunting, or prolonged blue coloring necessitate immediate medical attention.
Seeking Expert Guidance
If uncertainties arise about your newborn's health, don't hesitate to consult their doctor. Questions about illness indicators, normalcy, feeding concerns, and crying patterns are all valid queries for medical professionals. Your baby's well-being is a priority, and healthcare providers are there to guide you.
21 Jul 2023

my babies newborn screening came back abnormal. They said this could mean he has sickle cell or he is a carrier. I’m so upset right now and worried we go to the specialist august 4th i just hope my baby doesn’t have it 😭😭

Hope everything turns out better than anticipated. The unknown can be very scary. Prayers for your baby 🙏
27 Mar 2024


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Praying for your momma
27 Mar 2024


28 May 2023

Having a newborn will have you using google to make sure everything they do and every sound they make is normal 🤣

I be like “hey siri” why does my baby smell so good 😂
27 Mar 2024


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26 Oct 2022

Hey guys is it normal for newborn to have a warmer head and body than usual. My appt im isn’t until Dec.

I checked her temp. was 97.1 Maybe its normal i have no idea
27 Mar 2024


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