2 Apr 2024

Preparing Siblings for a New Baby: Tips and Activities

Preparing Siblings for a New Baby: Tips and Activities
Welcoming a new baby into the family is an exciting time, but it can also bring about feelings of uncertainty and adjustment for older siblings. As you prepare for the arrival of your new bundle of joy, it's important to involve your older children in the process and help them understand the upcoming changes.
Open Communication and Explanation
Start by having open and honest conversations with your older children about the upcoming arrival of the baby.
Explain the concept of pregnancy, birth, and the role of siblings in caring for a new baby. Use age-appropriate language and answer any questions they may have.
Assure them that their love and importance in the family will not change.
Involve Them in Baby Preparations
Get your older children involved in the preparation process.
Take them along to prenatal appointments, where they can listen to the baby's heartbeat or see ultrasound images.
Encourage them to help decorate the baby's nursery or choose clothes and toys for their new sibling.
This involvement will foster a sense of excitement and ownership.
Read Books and Tell Stories
Utilize books and storytelling to teach your children about babies and sibling dynamics.
There are numerous children's books available that explain pregnancy, birth, and becoming a big brother or sister.
Reading these books together can help your children understand and process the upcoming changes. You can also share stories about their own infancy and how they were once a baby too.
Role-Playing and Baby Care Activities
Engage your older children in role-playing and baby care activities to prepare them for their new role as an older sibling.
Set up a pretend play area with dolls or stuffed animals where they can practice feeding, changing diapers, and soothing a baby.
This hands-on experience allows them to familiarize themselves with the tasks involved in caring for a newborn.
Plan Special Sibling Bonding Time
Create opportunities for special bonding time between your older children and the baby.
Encourage them to talk, sing, or read to the baby bump.
Once the baby arrives, involve them in gentle interactions like holding the baby with supervision or assisting with simple tasks like diaper changes.
These experiences will help them feel connected and develop a sense of responsibility towards their younger sibling.
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28 May 2023

i’m a new mom my babygirl is due in august and i wanted to know if its really necessary to take in person baby classes like the ones on how to breathe/sit during contractions and how to know when you’re in labor or will it just be the same if i do it online someone help plz bc i’m broke as a joke thanks 🫶🏻 i have 6 siblings my bfs mom has 8 kids if anything i can just ask them for tips right? 😅

I'm a first time mom and I haven't taken any classes at all my mom has had 5 kids so I've been going to her on alot of stuff but so many people have helped me to understand those kind of things I think you could just ask someone cuz everyone's experience will be different but the same for the most part if that makes since
27 Mar 2024


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Search for free Lamaze classes at your local hospitals most have them absolutely free. I took them when I was 17 for my first baby it really helped alot and they provide so much knowledge and role play and snackkksss even breastfeeding instructions I'm in VA but it doesn't hurt to check your state especially if your have bon Secours facilities
27 Mar 2024


21 Apr 2023

Anyone has any advice on preparing babies to sit and crawl? I need to find activities to try with her I feel like I’m running into a rut. She knows how to roll over both ways and she has very strong legs, all she wants to do is jump.

Same following ✌️
27 Mar 2024


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3 Aug 2022

Hello everyone is there any tips I can use on trying to conceive? I am 31 yrs old I have an 5 year old boy and he needs some siblings and I have been trying for baby for 2 years now but no luck at all

This is the best app. I'm 26 with an 8 year old and no luck yet. Hopefully someday it'll come soon.
27 Mar 2024


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