2 Apr 2024

Pre-labor Rupture of Membranes: What You Need to Know

Pre-labor Rupture of Membranes: What You Need to Know
Pre-labor Rupture of Membranes (PROM), a condition where the amniotic sac ruptures before labor begins, is a significant event for pregnant women nearing their due date.
Understanding PROM
  • Definition: PROM occurs when the amniotic sac breaks before the onset of labor contractions.
  • Timing: It commonly happens close to the due date but can occur earlier.
Signs of PROM
  • Fluid Leakage: A noticeable trickle or a sudden gush of clear fluid from the vagina is the main sign.
  • Absence of Contractions: Unlike typical labor onset, PROM may not be accompanied by contractions initially.
Risks Associated with PROM
  • Infection: The biggest risk with PROM is the potential for infection in the uterus, as the protective barrier around the baby is compromised.
  • Labor Complications: Delayed onset of labor after PROM can lead to additional interventions, including induction or C-section.
What to Do if You Suspect PROM
  • Immediate Medical Consultation: Contact your healthcare provider right away for advice and potential examination.
  • Avoiding Infection: Refrain from inserting anything into the vagina, including tampons or having sexual intercourse.
Medical Evaluation and Monitoring
  • Confirmation of PROM: Healthcare providers may perform tests to confirm if the membranes have ruptured.
  • Monitoring for Labor: After PROM, you'll be monitored for signs of labor and infection. This often involves regular temperature checks and fetal heart rate monitoring.
Managing PROM
  • Expectant Management: If there are no signs of infection or distress, and if you're not yet at term, your healthcare provider might recommend waiting for labor to start naturally.
  • Induction of Labor: If labor does not start within a certain timeframe, typically 24 hours, induction may be suggested to reduce the risk of infection.
  1. How common is PROM? PROM occurs in about 8-10% of all pregnancies.
  2. Can I take a shower if I have PROM? Generally, showers are allowed, but baths or swimming should be avoided to reduce infection risk.
  3. What are the signs of infection I should watch for with PROM? Look out for fever, abdominal pain, foul-smelling discharge, and changes in babyโ€™s movement patterns.
  4. How long can I wait for labor to start naturally after PROM? The waiting period can vary, but most healthcare providers recommend inducing labor within 24 hours to prevent infection.
  5. Does PROM mean I will have a C-section? Not necessarily. Many women with PROM still have a vaginal delivery unless there are other complications.
Understanding PROM and its management helps expecting mothers navigate this unexpected event with informed decisions and appropriate medical support.
All I Need to Know
18 Oct 2022

Just been admitted to the hospital for rupture of my membranes. Iโ€™m 27 5 and scared. All my other babies were full term so this is new. Iโ€™ll be in the hospital until I deliver, or until Iโ€™m 34 (7 weeks). And my babies canโ€™t come visit me so I feel lonely and helpless ๐Ÿ˜ญ just need people to talk to.

๐Ÿผ ๐ŸŽ€ ๐’ž๐’ฎ ๐ŸŽ€ ๐Ÿผ
Hoping everything will be alright and baby stays in there ๐Ÿ’•
27 Mar 2024


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Oh mama I'm so sorry!
27 Mar 2024


24 Jun 2022

Update: i got admitted into the hospital yesterday morning from PROM (premature rupture of membranes)they wanted to just watch me over night to make sure i wasnt going to go into labor or have contractions! so i got discharged on complete bed rest up until i hit 23 weeks then i have to get readmitted into the hospital until my baby girl arrives ! ALL theres left for me to do is pray that my sweet girl can make it to 23 weeks i have faith that she can make it furthur along

27 Mar 2024


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She will, u will!!!! Keep positive โ€ผ๏ธ
27 Mar 2024


23 May 2022

Okay so trying to make a birth plan and just understand labor in general. Yes or no to allowing cervical checks? And striping of membranes should only be done if absolutely necessary? Tbh I donโ€™t even know fully what that does (the membranes stripping) but I heard that cervical checks are pointless and can hurt since you could be dilated for weeks and youโ€™ll feel when itโ€™s time to push

Cervical checks is definenly optional its just to see how far dilated you are but yes they hurt pretty bad and arent that necessary. The membare sweep is also not necessary its just done to induce labor and many times it doesnt really work unless baby is ready to come out
27 Mar 2024


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Membrane sweep got its risks too i would stay away from anything unnatural and just let your body do its thing
27 Mar 2024
