2 Apr 2024

Note Movement Changes

Note Movement Changes
So, you've noticed a shift in your baby's dance moves, huh?
No worries – it's all part of the grand pregnancy journey!
As your little one's cozy living space starts feeling a tad snugger, those sharp kicks and jabs are gracefully transforming into adorable squirms.
Your cutie might be preparing for that sensational debut, and space is precious now.
Keep Tabs on Your Tiny Dancer
Guess what? Your maternal instincts are spot on!
While the dance style might be evolving, it's super crucial to keep an eagle eye on those rhythmic moves.
Just because your munchkin has toned down the high kicks doesn't mean the show's over.
Nope, not at all!
Every day is a chance to cherish the sweet swirls and twirls happening in your belly.
To ease those occasional moments of concern, here's a nifty trick:
  • Sip on a sugary delight or nibble on a snack.
  • Watch closely as your baby goes, "Oh hey, I'm here!"
When to Hit the Dial Pad
Now, let's get real for a sec. While change is the name of the pregnancy game, some changes might raise an eyebrow or two.
If your precious sidekick's movement frequency experiences a rollercoaster ride – becoming either dramatically slower or more hyperactive – it's time to give your doctor a friendly ring.
Remember, trust your instincts!
You've become an expert at decoding those tiny Morse code-like nudges, and any unusual patterns deserve a little professional attention.
Final Applause for Monitoring
The transition from acrobatic kicks to graceful wiggles is completely natural.
Your baby's journey to meet you is in full swing, and every movement is a reminder of that incredible connection you share.
So, embrace the squirms, enjoy the sensations, and continue your vigilant watch over those marvelous baby ballets.
You're a superhero in the making, and this journey – with all its twists and twirls – is uniquely yours.
24 Dec 2023

So I am freaking out. I am 24 wks 1 day and I use to feel my baby move and kick pretty regularly. It’s been two days and it’s not the same at all… hardly any movement. I used the Doppler yesterday and heard his heart beat but this worries me. I have heard that if there is drastic changes in movements it could mean the baby is sick. I want to be preventative about this… but now it’s the holidays… I am calling my OB fist thing Tuesday. Anybody have any words about this situation!? #worried #movement

What was the heart rate? Have you taken any meds that causes drowsiness? I was taking Phenergan for nausea, which caused drowsiness, and found that it made baby sleep. If you're too worried, don't hesitate to go to the ER!!
27 Mar 2024


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The heart beat was with in normal range.
27 Mar 2024


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