2 Apr 2024

Newborn Care 101

Newborn Care 101
As a new parent, you may feel a mix of emotions, along with a sense of responsibility to provide the best care for your little one.
While the early weeks can be challenging, proper guidance and tips can help you navigate this precious phase.
In this newborn baby care guide, we'll cover essential advice on handling visitors, choosing appropriate clothing, ensuring car seat safety, establishing a feeding schedule, encouraging healthy sleep routines, managing fevers, and more.
  • Take your time before welcoming family and friends to allow your new family to bond peacefully.
  • Utilize the immediate alertness of your newborn after birth to establish a strong bond by making eye contact and talking to them.
  • Invite visitors when you feel ready and comfortable with their presence.
  • Remember that newborns can't regulate their body temperature well; dress them in one more layer of clothing than adults to ensure their comfort.
  • Keep a variety of sizes, like NB and 0-3M, and choose easy-to-put-on clothing for convenience.
  • Don't forget to pack socks or booties based on the weather, and consider bringing your own blanket.
Car Safety
  • Ensure your chosen car seat is installed correctly; refer to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) website or consult a certified child passenger safety expert for assistance.
  • Make sure the harness fits snugly against the hips and shoulders and that the chest clip aligns with your baby's armpits.
  • Avoid using bulky clothing that may interfere with the harness and maintain proper reclining for your baby's safety.
Newborn Feeding: Breastfeeding and Chestfeeding
  • Initiate breastfeeding within an hour of delivery to promote bonding and adjustment for your baby.
  • Nurse your baby on demand, encouraging frequent feeding to establish a robust milk supply.
  • Seek help from lactation consultants for proper latch and nursing positions.
Expressing Breast Milk
  • Consider expressing breast milk if your baby has latching difficulties or if separated after birth.
  • Use a pump suitable for your needs and get assistance from hospital lactation consultants if required.
  • Store breast milk safely and reuse within two hours if necessary.
Formula Feeding
  • Choose a formula with added nutrients as recommended by your pediatrician.
  • Heat formula under running warm water or use a bottle warmer; avoid using a microwave.
  • Follow proper storage guidelines and clean bottles and parts between feedings.
Your Newborn's Body
  • Clean your baby's face, neck, eyes, scalp, nose, nails, skin, bottom, and umbilical stump with care and regularity.
  • Understand common characteristics like baby acne, cradle cap, and normal variations in poop color, consistency, and frequency.
  • Attend to your baby's genitals, either circumcised or not, with the necessary care and hygiene.
Newborn Baby Sleep
  • Practice room-sharing (not bed-sharing) if you wish, as recommended by the AAP for the first six months.
  • Establish a consistent bedtime routine with winding-down activities.
  • Understand that newborns sleep in short stretches and gradually adapt to a more predictable sleep pattern.
Newborn Baby Crying
  • Rule out common causes like hunger, wet diaper, tiredness, or gas.
  • Provide comfort through sucking on breast, bottle, finger, or pacifier, or recreate a womb-like environment through swaddling and gentle motion.
  • Stay calm, as crying is a natural way for babies to communicate their needs.
  • Contact a pediatrician if your newborn has a rectal temperature of 100.4 F or higher (3 months or older) or 101 F (under 3 months).
  • Look for signs of illness, changes in eating patterns, abnormal stools, lethargy, irritability, rashes, and other symptoms that warrant medical attention.
Precious RUTH
1 Jul 2022

Looking for moms with newborn 0 months to 12months near me /Milwaukie and in need of babysitting care //contact me especially nights

Precious RUTH
I inboxed you gal
27 Mar 2024


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