2 Apr 2024

Natural Birthing 101

All You Need to Know about Natural Birth
Natural birth is a beautiful and empowering option for bringing your baby into the world.
It involves trusting in the innate strength of your body and allowing the birthing process to unfold naturally.
The Basics
  • What is natural birth? Natural birth refers to giving birth without the use of medical interventions such as epidurals or cesarean sections. It allows the body to progress through labor and delivery in its own rhythm and timing.
  • Preparing for natural birth: Educating yourself about the process of labor, practicing relaxation techniques, and staying physically active during pregnancy can help you prepare for a natural birth. It's also important to have a supportive birth team, including a knowledgeable healthcare provider and a birth companion who can provide emotional and physical support.
  • Benefits of natural birth: Opting for a natural birth can offer various benefits for both you and your baby. Some potential advantages include a lower risk of medical interventions, quicker recovery time, and increased bonding and breastfeeding success.
The Stages of Natural Birth
Natural birth typically unfolds in distinct stages, each with its own unique characteristics and milestones. Here's an overview:
  1. Early labor: During this initial stage, your cervix begins to soften and dilate, and you may experience mild contractions that gradually become more regular and intense. It's essential to conserve your energy and focus on relaxation techniques to prepare for the active phase of labor.
  2. Active labor: This stage is characterized by stronger and more frequent contractions as your cervix continues to dilate. It's important to stay hydrated, change positions, and use breathing techniques to manage the intensity of contractions.
  3. Transition: Transition is the final phase before pushing. It's often the most intense and challenging part of labor. You may experience powerful contractions, increased pressure, and a mix of emotions. Stay focused, rely on your support team, and remember that you're getting closer to meeting your baby!
  4. Pushing and birth: This is the stage where you actively participate by pushing to help your baby move through the birth canal. Trust your body's instincts and work with your healthcare provider to find the most effective pushing positions. With determination and support, you'll soon welcome your precious little one into the world.
Coping Techniques and Support: Harnessing Your Inner Strength
Natural birth requires mental and physical preparation, as well as adequate support during labor. Here are some techniques and strategies that can help you cope with the intensity of labor:
  • Breathing exercises: Deep breathing and focusing on your breath during contractions can help you relax and manage pain.
  • Movement and positions: Changing positions, such as walking, rocking, or squatting, can alleviate discomfort and facilitate the progress of labor.
  • Water immersion: Taking a warm bath or using a birthing pool can provide relaxation and pain relief during labor.
  • Massage and counter-pressure: Gentle massages and applying pressure to specific areas, such as the lower back, can help relieve tension and pain.
  • Continuous support: Having a trusted birth companion, such as a partner, doula, or midwife, by your side can provide emotional support, encouragement, and advocacy throughout the birthing process.
Learn more
7 Feb 2024

Hey mommies , hope you ladies are having a better day than yesterday . Woke up today feeling ok currently just hit 10wks and battling on and off nausea. Been gulping down pepto-bismol for that and it works. Just wanted to share and see if any other mommies planning on doing natural birthing . Booked my first apt with a birthing center most definitely will not be going to a hospital. No epidural,no csection straight natural connection with me and my little one . Anyone else on this journey ?

I am 10 weeks and 2 days
27 Mar 2024


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Awesome💕 .. congrats so your due date is around September as well ?
27 Mar 2024


6 Nov 2023

Hi y’all so I’m planning on doing a natural water birth at a birthing center for my baby boy. Which I’m also planning on doing a lotus birth, for the mamas who has done either of these or even both can you comment your experiences plz. Just trying to get more tips and information thanks🥰

Ohhh I wanna water birth toooo
27 Mar 2024


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what's a lotus birth?
27 Mar 2024


6 Jul 2023

What hypnobirthing app do you guys recommend I really wanna try to do a natural birth this time and I’ve heard that the hypno birthing is really good. It’s so many in the apple App Store to choose from.

I’d like to know as well
27 Mar 2024


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Following as well. I’m gonna be posting in some FB groups to see if there are suggestions there too, if I get any advice I will try to find this post and share!
27 Mar 2024


5 May 2023

Have been having contractions 10 minutes apart for 7 hours now. Starting to rethink my life choices in choosing an all natural birth at a birthing center. That epidural sounds so great right now.

My doctor keeps mentioning about possibility of my baby having shoulder dystocia. My plan was to go all natural like my first but I think I will do epidural to prevent being traumatized during labor. I'm not too happy about it but I don't want that to happen and it be too late for any pain meds.
27 Mar 2024


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These contractions have me reconsidering, but birthing centers don’t offer epidurals.
27 Mar 2024


Karter’sMommy 💚
23 Apr 2023

For all the mommas planning on going natural for labor, look into birthing centers ❤️ they’re more intimate & less chaotic 🫶🏾 they have jacuzzis and alternative options for pain

Karter’sMommy 💚
I’m so happy for you ❤️ i feel like it’s gonna be a beautiful experience for ppl that do go, hospitals can be so stressful 😩
27 Mar 2024


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14 Apr 2023

Have any of you mommy’s had a natural birth? I’m looking into doing this one in a birthing center hopefully. Would love to hear your experience.

Meek Meek
Sammeeee 🤞🏾
27 Mar 2024


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2 Apr 2023

After all the ranting, hollering, and hooting, plus 13+ hours of labor.... My beautiful baby girl is now here at 7lbs 3oz, on the 28th, Via the waterbirth, I envisioned since picking the natural birthing unit. EVEN THOUGH they said I couldn't due to my high BMI..... I DID IT!!!! W/ MY DOULA in toe! Painful but soooo worth it!


31 Jan 2023

Hey mommies hope you all are well 🤗 me in da other hand am still spotting 🥴 I have an appointment coming up in 2 days! I’m a bit nervous and scared. I really want to have a natural birth but I’m afraid of any complications while birthing natural! Any suggestions?

Same here spotting Dr said it was because my cervix is thinning
27 Mar 2024


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Do you have any complications with your pregnancy?
27 Mar 2024


22 Jan 2023

Any mommy to be's or mommies already want/have had a natural water birth?? I want to avoid epidural. People I tell I want a natural birth all give me the ick face when they dont even have kids themselves!!😥 need support! #waterbirth #natural #naturalbirth #birth #birthing

Queen Cici👑
I’m still pregnant with my first baby as of rn, will be 35 weeks on Tuesday….but one thing I will say is to not listen to someone who don’t have kids. Those be the most “know it all” mfs when they don’t know shit. If u wanna avoid epidural u have every reason to. There’s benefits from it but there’s also bad things that’s been said about it as well. Not to mention it just feel better to not have all them drugs injected into u. I wanna go natural but if it’s too painful I’m definitely gonna try to get the epidural but my goal is to go natural as well. I want a water birth but the hospital I’m going to doesn’t do it sadly 😞
27 Mar 2024


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can I send you a link? It's a 40 minute video giving you all kind of tips and tricks to be successful at natural birth. She brings up red raspberry leaf tea to strengthen your uterus. Sitting on a ball instead of chairs for work to focus pelvic strength. Eating super healthy of course and preparing our mind body and soul for birth. She also mentioned something that totally captivated my heart. A study of women who walked for 2p min a day 3xs a week had babies who scored 2p points higher than moms and babies who didnt. When are you due??
27 Mar 2024


10 Sep 2022

Hey ladies! Just got this app! I’m officially 5 weeks and 5 days pregnant today. My husband and I are so excited! I’m doing prenatal care with a group of 3 midwives and a midwife will be delivering my baby. I plan to do an all natural water birth at a birthing center. Is anyone else on here doing a natural water birth with a midwife or has done it before? This is my first baby, so I’m a little nervous!

Hi Heather! I just found out I am pregnant on Thursday. I hope some midwives are in network for me because I also want to do what your doing. I will call around on Monday to see where I am insured. So happy for y'all!
27 Mar 2024


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Hey Lauren! Congratulations! So exciting! Is this your first? I would recommend looking up birthing centers in your area, where midwives typically work. Hoping you find a good one!
27 Mar 2024
