I’m kinda disappointed I don’t have the visible linea nigra at 21 weeks😩 I have the lightest line on my lower belly also anyone else got alot of hair on their bellies? I never had hair on my stomach until I got pregnant 😩I’m like the wolverine😂😂
Hormonal changes in pregnancy can stimulate the production of melanin, causing the appearance of linea nigra.
It often appears in the second trimester and may become more pronounced as pregnancy progresses.
It typically fades on its own, but sun exposure should be minimized or protected with sunscreen to prevent darkening.
I’m kinda disappointed I don’t have the visible linea nigra at 21 weeks😩 I have the lightest line on my lower belly also anyone else got alot of hair on their bellies? I never had hair on my stomach until I got pregnant 😩I’m like the wolverine😂😂
Anyone else not have the linea negra? it’s my second kid and I don’t have one at 6 months pregnant
Has anyone got the linea nigra line yet ? Mine doesn’t seem to be so dark and I can hardly tell and I’m 24 weeks & 1 day?
Tummy pic because my husband pointed out my linea nigra popping up. HG still whooping my ass but we’re surviving!
Ok, so I’m not freaking out but I’m very confused… You know the dark line that appears on the top when you’re pregnant? Yeah, the “Linea Nigra”. I am almost 8 months in and mine is not showing. This is my second baby, and my line showed with my first baby, so I guess I’m confused as to why it’s not showing with this baby. Has this happen with anyone else?
So ladies question when did y’all start to see ur linea nigra? Causee I’ll be 5 months tomorrow and mines not showing at all
Linea Nigra - predicts baby gender myth’s….. Your body can predict whether you're having a boy or a girl. Another myth says that if you develop a linea nigra—that dark line down the middle of your belly—and it runs from your belly button downwards, you're having a girl. But if it runs from your pelvis up to your ribcage, you're having a boy. Is this true or false for anyone!!!
Is anyone else linea nigra line crooked or is it just me I thought the pregnancy line supposed to appear straight lol 😂 just curious
Did everyone get a Linea nigra the dark streak running from your belly button down? Bc I’m at 20 weeks and I have no line there and I thought everyone gets it?
Starting to get linea nigra…I’m so grossed out by what my body has been doing. For those of you who have been pregnant before, did this go away after pregnancy?