2 Apr 2024

How to Spot Signs of Infection or Fever?

Recognizing Signs of Infection or Fever
Understanding the Vulnerability of Newborns
Newborns possess a heightened susceptibility to infections, which can manifest at any point within their initial month of life.
Diligently observe your baby for signs of illness, with particular emphasis during the initial 7 days post-birth.
The impact of a bloodstream infection (sepsis) on a newborn can be swift and severe. Swift action is necessary to mitigate potential harm.
Deciphering Subtle Signs of Newborn Illness
Subtle nuances often mark the onset of severe illness in newborns.
Feeding stands as an unequivocal gauge of a newborn's overall health.
Newborns should exhibit a voracious appetite. If feeding patterns deviate from the norm, or there's a sudden change, contact your baby's doctor.
(Note: An exception includes babies who never fed well but still consume adequate milk, without any recent alterations.)
Should your baby's demeanor or physical state undergo noticeable shifts from the norm, initiate immediate contact with the baby's doctor for informed guidance.
Deciphering the Right Time to Seek Assistance
Call 911 Now If:
  • Your baby is unresponsive.
  • Fever (rectal temperature of 38°C or higher) for babies less than 3 months old.
  • Limited movement or profound weakness is observed.
  • Difficulty breathing is accompanied by new moaning or grunting sounds.
  • Lips, tongue, or face exhibit a bluish or gray hue.
  • You're worried and believe your child is in immediate life-threatening danger.
  • If your baby is less than a month old, or if you feel particularly unwell, don't hesitate to go to paediatric emergency.
Contact the Doctor or Seek Care Now If:
  • Any signs of illness like coughing, diarrhea, or vomiting arise.
  • Feeding patterns change, including struggling to stay awake for feeds or inability to complete feeds.
  • Sweating during feeds becomes evident.
  • Sleep duration exceeds the usual.
  • Noticeable change in skin color (pale, bluish, or gray arms and legs).
  • Swelling is observed in the soft spot on top of the head.
  • Fever emerges in a baby below 12 weeks old (Note: Refrain from administering fever medicine before medical evaluation).
  • Rectal temperature remains below 96.8°F (36.0°C) despite warming efforts.
  • You perceive the need for medical attention as urgent.
Reach Out to the Doctor Within 24 Hours If:
  • Urine takes on a pink, orange, or peach hue.
  • Non-urgent concerns or queries arise, excluding urgent symptoms as listed earlier.
Reassurance Amidst Normalcy
Provided your baby maintains regular feeding, movement, and sleep patterns, with no visible signs of illness, you can find solace in their well-being.
The unwavering observation of newborns during their initial weeks is an effective preventive strategy.
Summing Up: The Call for Action
In line with this assessment, your baby currently displays no indicators of illness.
The subtlety of severe illness symptoms in newborns emphasizes the necessity for vigilant monitoring.
Should any alterations in appearance or behavior surface that deviate from the norm, proactive communication with your medical provider is paramount.
Throughout the nascent stages of life, an unwavering watchfulness serves as the optimal approach. Reach out for medical guidance if you encounter:
  • A fever in your baby.
  • Any manifestations of illness.
  • The emergence of unusual behavior or appearance in your baby.
  • A perceived need for medical evaluation.
Special attention should be paid to more vulnerable children: age < 2 months, prematurity < 36 weeks of gestation or have comorbidities (congenital heart disease with shunts, chronic lung disease including bronchopulmonary dysplasia neuromuscular pathology, immunodeficiency, multiple disabilities).
Julia Aoun

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