2 Apr 2024

How to Handle Unexpected Friend Reactions to Pregnancy News?

How to Handle Unexpected Friend Reactions to Pregnancy News?
So, you've just found out the exciting news that you're pregnant, and you can't wait to share it with your friends! You've envisioned their reactions: the hugs, the tears of joy, and the overwhelming excitement. But what if their responses aren't exactly what you expected?
The Anticipation
Don't worry, it's completely normal to have mixed reactions from friends when you announce your pregnancy. Here's why:
  • Everyone processes news differently: People have unique ways of reacting to surprises and big life events. Your friends might need some time to process the news and adjust their expectations.
  • Their own experiences: Your friends' reactions may be influenced by their personal experiences with pregnancy. If they've had challenging pregnancies or fertility struggles, they might feel a mix of emotions that could impact their initial response.
The Different Reactions
You've shared the news, and now you're getting a variety of reactions from your friends. It's essential to remember that each person has their own perspective and may express their emotions differently. Here are some common reactions you might encounter:
  • The Silent Absorber: This friend might appear quiet and absorbed in their thoughts. They're processing the news and taking it all in. Give them space and time to come to terms with the announcement.
  • The Excited Cheerleader: This friend will jump up and down with joy, celebrating your news with exuberance. They'll be your biggest cheerleader throughout your pregnancy journey, offering support and excitement at every step.
  • The Concerned Worrier: Some friends might express concerns or worry, focusing on the potential challenges of pregnancy. Remember that their worries come from a place of care and love, and they may just need reassurance and information.
  • The Unpredictable Emoter: This friend's reaction may be completely unexpected. They might burst into tears, laugh uncontrollably, or react in a way that surprises you. Emotions can be unpredictable, and their response reflects their own unique feelings.
Understanding Their Reactions
It's important to understand that your friends' reactions are not a reflection of their love and support for you. Here's what you need to keep in mind:
  • Mixed emotions are normal: Pregnancy can bring a range of emotions for everyone involved. Some friends might feel joy, excitement, and happiness for you, while others may feel a mix of emotions that they need to process.
  • Personal situations and fears: Your friends' reactions may also be influenced by their own personal situations, fears, or experiences. They might be navigating their own life challenges that could impact how they respond to your news.
  • Give them time: Allow your friends some time to process the news and adjust their expectations. Everyone reacts at their own pace, and they might need a little space to come to terms with the changes ahead.
Nurturing Your Friendships
Navigating different reactions from friends can be challenging, but it's an opportunity to nurture your friendships and deepen your connection. Here are a few tips to foster understanding and maintain strong bonds:
  • Open communication: Reach out to your friends individually and have open conversations about their reactions. Share your feelings and concerns while being receptive to their perspective as well.
  • Educate and share resources: If your friends have worries or concerns, offer them reliable information and resources about pregnancy. This can help alleviate their fears and provide them with a better understanding of your journey.
  • Set boundaries: It's essential to set boundaries if you're feeling overwhelmed or if certain reactions are affecting your emotional well-being. Communicate your needs respectfully and assertively.
  • Focus on the positive: Surround yourself with friends who are genuinely excited and supportive of your pregnancy. Seek out those who uplift you and share in your joy, creating a positive and nurturing environment.
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15 Jan 2024

Should we drop a load of the daddy’s reactions of the pregnancy news in the comments? 🤔 Mine was priceless!

Omg yes!! I wanna see.
27 Mar 2024


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Yes! My husband looked at the test and said GTFOH you’re pranking me with a huge smile on his face then let out a huge loud happy laugh
27 Mar 2024


18 Sep 2023

I found out my boyfriend got someone pregnant and she miscarried this week. We were a week apart. I’m hurt 💔😭 he cut her off when he found out about me but still I’m broken. Idk how to mentally handle this news.

🌸𝒩𝒾𝑒𝒸𝑒𝓎 𝐿𝒶𝓃𝑒𝑒🌸
Be done with him !!
27 Mar 2024


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It’s just hard cause I don’t want to be alone during this pregnancy. 😭 I’m ignoring him now but we’ve been trying for this baby for a year.
27 Mar 2024


3 Aug 2023

This is how I plan to announce my pregnancy to my friends 😂 I am going trick them by taking a “picture” of them or with me but in reality it will be on video for me to capture their reaction of the news! I AM SO EXCITED!!!

I love that idea.
27 Mar 2024


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Love it!!!
27 Mar 2024


13 Jun 2023

Does anyone else feel like their losing their best friend.? My best friend was so exited for me to be pregnant, she wanted to come to all the appointments, she wanted to be so involved and now I can barely get her to pick up the phone.. she doesn’t ask for bump pictures like she used to, she doesn’t ask to come to the appointments anymore, she doesn’t act like she’s even interested anymore.. I can’t handle losing her..

Have you sent her a text about how you’re feeling abt it? If she doesn’t respond to it with an explanation then she doesn’t deserve to be a part of it love
27 Mar 2024


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11 Jun 2023

Hello, I’m 5 week and 4 days pregnant. This afternoon I received unexpected news and was really upset about it. A lot of talking was involved while I try to avoid not to talk and keep calm. More likely I was upset about the news. Moments later I’ve noticed some spotting when I went to the bathroom. Light spotting not a lot. Can being upset cause that? Would I need to wait to talk to my doctor?

Spotting can be caused by a lot of things. As long as it isn't a lot of blood ( fills a pad) you should be ok. Just try to rest/relax. If needed contact your Dr or go see one
27 Mar 2024


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Thanks for the info, I will relax and watch it. Your answer help me stay calm , thank you!
27 Mar 2024


8 Jun 2023

So I’m a high risk pregnancy and I was just informed today that my sons only in the 2nd percentile and is measuring very small I’m 22 weeks and I also just found out I have a cyst on my right ovarie that could bust and potentially harm my son I’m a first time mom and very scared and just need some advice on how to handle this news and what I should do besides freak out my doctors sending me to ruby for testing on the 27 but I’m afraid to wait that long to know something from a doctor has anyone else had any experiences like this or just some advice to make me feel better I could really use a friend or someone to talk to cause honestly I don’t understand anything and googling has not been helpful 🥺💙‼️🌈

You can message me! I can give my best info🤷🏼‍♀️
27 Mar 2024


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💓MsKoKoChanel 💓
Do not be afraid , For the Lord is With you ❤️🫶🏾 your baby & you will be fine ! My last pregnancy (even tho I had miscarriage) I had a cyst and it went away on its own . Just pray hun and everything will be alright ! .
27 Mar 2024


11 Apr 2023

My best friend lost her baby during birth in September. I have been there with her every step of the way and recently found out I was pregnant. She doesn’t want nothing to do with the pregnancy or me to mention anything about it to her because it can be very triggering which I understand. But how can I enjoy my pregnancy at the same time respecting her boundaries? I don’t want to lose my friend.

I understand shes going through a lot but she shouldn’t be acting that way. Obviously you’re not going to rub it in her face but its not your fault (or hers) as to why she lost the baby. She should be just as supportive as you have been.
27 Mar 2024


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Yes, she should be supportive to you as a friend. There is no need to being salty towards you and your new addition. I would probably remind your friend that you are still her friend and that you would love to have her support when she feels comfortable and that you don’t want to be in this alone. Everyone heals differently. She is hurting still. Just respect her boundaries and probably do something sweet for her like get something memorable to her and her lost baby. Idk what this could be. Get creative. But this would be a reassuring thought to her letting her know that you are a true friend to her and that she could still count on you just the same as when she was pregnant. Maybe a keepsake with her baby name on it. I hope she comes around and be there for you as well.
27 Mar 2024
