Hi, I am 13 weeks pregnant with my first baby, I want to ask if anyone knows some good techniques or tips I should use to help have a easy birth. I appreciate any and all advice
How to increase your chances of getting pregnant? These tips will get you on the right track.
Hi, I am 13 weeks pregnant with my first baby, I want to ask if anyone knows some good techniques or tips I should use to help have a easy birth. I appreciate any and all advice
Pregnant for the first time #SonMama They're planning to induce me in 4 days I have not practiced any birthing techniques classes nothing I'm scared sh!tless Any tips advice of what to expect #forWaterBreaking #whatTheContractionsFeelLike #GivingBirth #whatToExpect
I have been trying to find ways to get pregnant with my bf. Any ideas on how to get pregnant quickly.
Does anyone else at #9weeks pregnant feel achy when they wake up or like tensed up. My emotions are everywhere and after I spotted for two days I freak out about EVERYTHING! also what are techniques y’all used to calm yourself down because I’m an absolute mess!
Ladies, especially for FTM, I’ve learned and am learning a lot through a YouTube channel called “built to birth” by Bridget Taylor. She has wealth of knowledge regarding breathing techniques, ball exercises, delayed clamping to reduce tension during labor just … wanted to share, as being a first time Mama ❤️ this is really helping me get educated! Hope this helps 🌷🌷🌷God bless you all Mamas and your baby with smooth and quick delivery 🙏🙏🙏in Jesus name❤️❤️❤️❤️praying this all for us.
I know im only 18 weeks but I been looking into birthing techniques to make natural birth a bit easier (like ways to prepare my body for it) i would appreciate any advice on this. Much help needed. I will be using a bit of every advice to help my process. •Pain techniques during labor •ways to help you dilate •what work outs/yogas should I do and when to start •does eating dates make a difference? •what is the best meal to eat before going to the hospital •if getting Induced what should I do to be ready?
I’m trying to get pregnant are there any helpful tips out there . Starting to get discouraged
What is the easy way to get pregnant and me and my hubby been trying and still haven't got pregnant any answers
Trying to get pregnant is there any good positions to try that works for getting pregnant?
What’s the best way to conceive I’ve been trying to get pregnant since April 😩help me