6 May 2024

Why Hollywood Celebrities Swear By WeMoms for Their Pregnancy Journey

Hollywood is increasingly focusing on body positivity, mental wellness, and authenticity. It just so happens that one pregnancy tracking app, WeMoms, embodies all of these beliefs. Find out why this French made app is making waves among celebrities.
Published on May 6th, 2024
Ozempic isn't the only trend capturing Hollywood's attention. WeMoms, a pregnancy tracking app from France, is gaining popularity among celebrities who are championing body positivity and mental wellness. Despite having access to the best doctors and advanced healthcare, these stars find profound transformation in a seemingly simple app.
The Parisian-made app sums it up nicely. According to co-founder Dino Jaegle:
Pregnancy is more than just a medical condition—it's an experience that can deeply impact a woman's life. While the majority of pregnancy resources focus on the physical aspects, the mental and emotional wellness of expectant mothers often requires just as much attention.
WeMoms Co-founder and COO Dino Jaegle
It just so happens that WeMoms excels at addressing emotional wellness. It does such a commendable job in this often-overlooked area that women, regardless of their celebrity status or resources, are drawn to it.

Let's take a look at how WeMoms unite expectant mothers from all walks of life, including the rich and famous, under one app.
Connecting Authentically With Other Moms
Did you know that up to 1 in 5 moms experience postpartum depression? For too long, the mental health struggles of new mothers have been a taboo subject. Fortunately, public figures like Gwyneth Paltrow, Adele, and Serena Williams have courageously shared their own experiences, helping to break the silence on this issue

TedX speaker and author Vanessa Van Edwards revealed on a podcast the miscarriage of her second child, highlighting that even the most successful individuals are not immune to the emotional rollercoaster of motherhood.
Celebrities appreciate WeMoms' many forums, where they can share openly without judgment. 
The WeMoms app gets the complexity of these experiences and gives women a positive outlet. It has forums on every aspect of motherhood—the good, the bad, and the ugly. Here, there's no need to pretend everything is perfect for the media. 
WeMoms has many forums, where you can discuss anything–No topic is off limits!
The app encourages genuine connections, allowing moms to share their real stories and support each other. This type of support is invaluable, offering comfort and understanding that can't be matched by material things.
Watching the Baby Grow
No matter how much wealth a celebrity has access to, frequent ultrasounds are not recommended by doctors unless medically necessary. This is precisely why OBGYN Jessica Martino loves the WeMoms app. Dr. Martino, who is no stranger to the celebrity circle, appreciates how WeMoms allows parents to visualize their baby's development.
The 3D baby is a popular feature of WeMoms, allowing women to build a bond with their babies from the get go.
WeMoms offers a 3D reconstruction of your baby that evolves weekly, even simulating the sound of their heartbeat, much like what you would hear during prenatal visits. No, it's not an actual sonogram of your baby, but that hasn’t stopped moms from falling in love with their 3D babies.
Every week, you can see the size of your baby, what organs they’re developing, and hear their heartbeats.
The appeal is straightforward. Connecting with the idea of your growing baby can be just as beneficial as seeing them. Whether it’s visualizing them as small as a blueberry, imagining them practicing sucking movements, or hearing the quickening beats of their developing heart, WeMoms helps build that emotional bond between mother and baby before birth.
It Makes Up For Our Lack Of Sexual Education
Traditional sexual education often focuses only on preventing teenage pregnancy and skips important topics like fertility, female health, and what happens after a baby is born—you know, topics that actually matter to women. Sadly, there's a lot of different advice out there about these subjects, and much of it isn't based on solid science.

WeMoms understands that pregnancy can be overwhelming enough without having to question the accuracy of the information you come across.

WeMoms offers a practical and science-backed approach to conception, pregnancy, and postnatal care. Although the app hails from France, it's used by women from around the world. It combines wisdom from various cultures, crosscheck them with scientific research to provide short guides on things that you actually need to know. What WeMoms does really well is its personalized approach: it delivers the appropriate reading at just the right times during your journey.

After reading a few guides, you'll understand how WeMoms carefully picked its content. They cover the essentials that deliver 99% of the benefits, while skipping the minor details that often cause stress without adding positive outcomes.

WeMoms also promotes a more relaxed attitude toward motherhood. It doesn't push expensive products like breast pumps, reflecting a laid-back approach to breastfeeding prevalent in France. Instead, it encourages buying second-hand clothing and avoids stoking unfounded fears, focusing on what truly helps during and after pregnancy.
Want to see what the fuss is about? Check out the WeMoms app in the App Store
Download the WeMoms App

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