2 Apr 2024

Handle Your Sensitive Eyes

Handle Your Sensitive Eyes 👀😎
Are you experiencing sensitivity in your eyes during pregnancy? Don't worry, you're not alone! Many pregnant women go through changes in their eyesight and may experience increased sensitivity. Here are some tips to help you handle your sensitive eyes and keep them comfortable throughout your pregnancy:
1. Understand the Causes 🤔🔍
During pregnancy, hormonal changes can affect various parts of your body, including your eyes. Some common causes of eye sensitivity during pregnancy include:
  • Dryness: Hormonal fluctuations can lead to dry eyes, causing discomfort and sensitivity to light.
  • Water retention: Increased fluid retention during pregnancy can put pressure on the eyes, leading to sensitivity and puffiness.
  • Changes in vision: Hormonal changes may also affect your vision, making your eyes more sensitive to light and causing blurry vision.
2. Take Care of Your Eyes 🌟👁️
To manage eye sensitivity and keep your eyes healthy, consider the following tips:
  • Wear sunglasses: Shield your eyes from bright sunlight and harsh indoor lighting by wearing sunglasses with UV protection. This can help reduce sensitivity to light and protect your eyes from harmful rays.
  • Use lubricating eye drops: If you're experiencing dryness, consult with your healthcare provider about using preservative-free lubricating eye drops to alleviate discomfort and keep your eyes moist.
  • Take regular breaks: If you spend a lot of time on digital devices, give your eyes a break by practicing the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds to reduce eye strain.
3. Seek Professional Advice 🤝⚕️
If you're concerned about your eye sensitivity or experience any changes in your vision during pregnancy, it's important to seek professional advice. Consider the following steps:
  • Consult with an eye specialist: Schedule an appointment with an ophthalmologist or optometrist who can evaluate your eyes and provide appropriate guidance.
  • Inform your healthcare provider: Keep your healthcare provider informed about any eye-related issues you're experiencing during your prenatal visits. They can provide valuable insights and ensure a holistic approach to your healthcare.
4. Practice Self-Care 🛀💤
Taking care of yourself during pregnancy is essential for your overall well-being, including your eye health. Consider these self-care practices:
  • Get enough rest: Proper sleep and rest can help reduce eye strain and fatigue. Aim for adequate sleep to give your eyes the rest they need.
  • Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water helps maintain overall hydration, including the moisture in your eyes.
  • Eat a balanced diet: Consume a nutrient-rich diet that includes foods high in vitamins A, C, and E, as well as omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for eye health.
Remember, if you have any concerns or experience persistent eye discomfort or vision changes, don't hesitate to reach out to your healthcare provider or eye specialist. Taking care of your eyes is an important part of your overall pregnancy journey. 😎🌟👀
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1 Feb 2023

My pelvis & Lower abdomen is EXTREMELY sensitive to touch like I hurts so bad & it hurts so bad to walk or left my legs etc it brings tears to my eyes … I never experienced this before

C O R T 🤍
I’m experiencing the same thing 😩
27 Mar 2024


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Idk whattt too and I’m not contracting so it’s like pointless to go to the hospital
27 Mar 2024


8 Sep 2022

Have any of you acctidently rubbed your face raw trying to get rid acne during pregancy i have really sensitive skin and i can't handle looking at myself in the miorror without being dissapointed. I hurt my face and my sister is supposed to do my merturnity pics soon but i don't want my face to look this way when she does please help so i don't hurt my face anymore

Sounds weird but a sensitive antibacterial soap and then rub your face with cotton swabs dipped in alcohol
27 Mar 2024


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