12 Mar 2024

Food diversification: he refuses the bottle!

Some babies love food diversification, so much so that they find it difficult to accept a bottle, and some mothers even refuse to accept it straight away!

  • What can be done? Not stop giving him milk, that's for sure!
  • A baby needs his daily dose of milk, adapted to her age and stage of development.
  • But you'll have to be imaginative and opt for dairy products to be offered with a spoon.
  • Cheeses, specialized yogurts, and petits-suisses will certainly satisfy their desire to eat like a grown-up while meeting their nutritional needs.
28 Mar 2023

Hey mommas , My little one refuses her bottle at daycare now she only want to eat the baby food I send to school . She nurses all day when she come home from daycare . I literally tried every bottle . She loves baby food but I donโ€™t get why she wonโ€™t drink the milk at daycare . (I exclusively breastfeed ) โ€ฆ.

Same problem I have. My baby is exclusively breastfeed and refuses a bottle from anyone. I work midnight so she literally gives my family a hard time. I think they just prefer breast. The doctor recommended I start giving her a bottle a breastmilk throughout the day, or give her a bottle at night on my off days.
28 Mar 2023


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