2 Apr 2024

Folic Acid: Why It Matters

Folic Acid: Why It Matters
You've got a lot on your plate right now (literally and figuratively), but let's talk about a superstar nutrient that should be on your menu ASAP: Folic Acid.
This B-vitamin isn't just good; it's essential, especially in the first month of pregnancy.
The reason? It plays a critical role in neural tube development, which later becomes your baby's brain and spine. Plus, getting enough folic acid can help prevent some major birth defects. So, let's dive into why this vitamin is your new BFF.
  • Foods high in folic acid: Leafy greens, fortified cereals, and legumes
  • Supplements: 400 to 800 micrograms per day
  • When to start: Ideally before conception, and continue through early pregnancy
The Neural Tube Love Story: Why Timing is Everything
Ah, the neural tube—it's like the opening scene in the love story of your baby's nervous system.
Timing here is crucial, because the neural tube starts forming just a few weeks after conception.
If there's a shortage of folic acid during this period, the neural tube may not close properly, leading to serious birth defects such as spina bifida and anencephaly.
Yeah, it's a big deal. But here's the good news: taking folic acid can reduce the risk of these defects by up to 70%!
  • Critical Period: First 28 days after conception
  • Risks: Spina bifida, anencephaly
  • Benefits: Up to 70% risk reduction with adequate folic acid intake
How Much is Enough? The Folic Acid Goldilocks Zone
So you're on board with folic acid—great!
But you might be wondering, "How much is just right?"
Well, doctors generally recommend 400 to 800 micrograms per day, starting at least one month before conception and continuing through the first trimester.
If you're already pregnant and haven't been taking folic acid, don't fret—just start taking it as soon as possible.
Supplements are an easy way to hit your target, but try to also eat a balanced diet rich in foods naturally high in folate, the natural form of folic acid.
  • Target Amount: 400 to 800 micrograms per day
  • When: At least one month before conception through the first trimester
  • Natural Sources: Spinach, lentils, and asparagus
A Multivitamin Affair: Beyond Just Folic Acid
Taking a prenatal multivitamin can be like hitting the nutrient jackpot for both you and your baby.
While folic acid steals the spotlight, let's not forget its backup singers like iron, calcium, and vitamin D, which are also super important for a healthy pregnancy.
Make sure your supplement is doctor-approved, because too much of certain nutrients can be harmful. Remember, folic acid is crucial, but it's part of a bigger ensemble cast of nutrients that make your pregnancy a hit show!
  • Spectrum of Nutrients: Iron, calcium, vitamin D
  • Doctor-Approved: Always consult your healthcare provider for personalized advice
  • Ensemble Cast: Folic acid is just one of many nutrients essential for pregnancy
So there you have it—folic acid is a must-have for any mom-to-be, especially during that first crucial month.
Cheers to making informed choices for you and your future star!
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21 Jan 2024

I need yalls opinions! I️ just read that folic acid is a synthetic vitamin and can cause depression and a lot of women’s bodies actually fight it off. Is that true? I️ also just now found out your supposed to take folate instead? I’m currently taking nature made at my prenatal but it has folic acid. I’m looking into pink stork instead

I have never had an issue with it and my dr says as long as it folic acid it’s a good prenatal
27 Mar 2024


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It provides nutrients to the baby
27 Mar 2024


24 Dec 2023

FYI: To all you moms to be, especially new mamas make sure you get that folic acid. It's good for baby's development, especially brain. I took it months before I got pregnant and the whole time I was pregnant. I have one smart baby. I know it's in most prenatal vitamins, but they would make me sick a lot so I'd take a separate folic acid vitamin. It's good to have 600 mcg a day. Without folic acid your baby is at higher risk for neural tube defects.

Yea I took it all During my pregnancy u right the brain development is good my son is very smart girl i agree take it momma.
27 Mar 2024


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I didn’t have prenatal care with my first pregnancy up to 6 month of pregnancy didn’t even know I had to take them baby was healthy an active little baby with a 168-175 heart beat now she is a beautiful smartest 2 year old I know out of all the kids her age she is the smartest she does more than them talk more walked faster then then With my second pregnancy I had got prenatal care at 4 months but I did start taking the folic acid pills before I would always forget to take them even put an alarm on and still forgot to take them! Cause I’ll leave my pills at home when my alarm went off so I could take it got home and forgot so I stopped and this baby had a heart beat of 145-153 she is beautiful 6 months now on track of every milestone with no defects Honestly I don’t know what to think about the whole pills some people say they are use for some say they are not but I am not telling not to take it I am just putting it out there to moms that where like me it didn’t do anything to harm there babies if they don’t take it
27 Mar 2024


29 May 2023

Would you believe me if I told you these have folic acid in them🤔Well they do and their delicious

They we’re. I had a handful when I first bought them and was looking for them yesterday and found out hubby ate them all🤦🏾‍♀️Gotta buy some more
27 Mar 2024


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18 Jan 2023

I think what helped me , I have pcos and I have Left transposition of the great arteries so carrying has been hard for me and also conceiving has been an issue now but I was prescribed 1,000 folic acid I took it once a day and now I have missed period and all the signs of pregnancy GOD BLESSED ME I JUST KNOW IT 🥳🙏🏽😩

I've been there but it took me 8 yrs of trying and losing 30 lbs
27 Mar 2024


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I’m only 120 and I’m 5’2 && I’m healthy for the most part aside from my heart condition just tiredddd
27 Mar 2024


11 Dec 2022

I take vitamin b-6, vitamin C, folic acid, omega 3, and vitamin D. I know most ppl take prenatal vitamins which are great. The most important vitamin to me is folic acid bc it helps the baby’s brain development and all around helps baby to grow good. Vitamins are the most important intake you can do everyday for a healthy, smart baby!!!

I take One Day prenatal vitamins, folic acid, and Flintstone iron supplements.
27 Mar 2024


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That’s a great combo
27 Mar 2024


29 Sep 2022

Is it possible to take TOO MUCH folic acid? I'm already on a prescription for folic acid that I've been taking for a couple years. I see my prenatals have folic acid too, though...

I was taking folic acid before I got pregnant, during my pregnancy & my prenatals had it too. I was fine but good question maybe u should check w ur doc
27 Mar 2024


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No. You need like 4000mcg I think. Most of the time we get it from food and stuff but we’ll never reach that number. I take folic acid and a prenatal
27 Mar 2024


18 Sep 2022

My Advice Is To Use The Brand Spring Valley For Folic Acid. It’s Supposed To Help You Become Pregnant. Was Recommended By A Friend.

Or You Could Try Every Few Days With Your Partner. I Used Folic Acid & I Also Didn’t Have Sex For Some Days Straight (I think a week or almost a week). Ended Up Pregnant Instantly The Same Month.
27 Mar 2024


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1 Jun 2022

My ob gyn said it’s too early to take a pregnancy test she gave me folic acid to take for 6 months she was saying it’s to have a healthy baby

Makes sense.
27 Mar 2024


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