2 Apr 2024

Do We All Enjoy Oral Sex?

Exploring Oral Sex: Opinions, Statistics, and Attitudes
The complex relationship between humans and sex often leads to varied opinions, feelings, and stereotypes surrounding oral sex.
Bespoke Surgical, a healthcare center, conducted a survey to understand the attitudes and statistics related to oral sex in the United States.
Methodology: Surveying Oral Sex Opinions and Experiences
The survey was conducted from December 9-11, 2019, with 1008 U.S. citizens over the age of 18 participating.
The research aimed to gather information on oral sex opinions, experiences, and preferences.
How Common is Oral Sex?
According to the survey, the average person participates in oral sex about five times a month, whether giving or receiving.
This statistic provides insight into the frequency of oral sex among Americans.
Frequency of Performing and Receiving Oral Sex
The survey revealed that the average person performs oral sex 5.32 times per month and receives oral sex 5.2 times per month.
The frequency varied based on categories such as sexuality and gender, providing interesting insights into the preferences of different groups.
Exploring Analingus and its Frequency
Analingus, a form of oral sex involving the anus, was also included in the survey.
Results showed that lesbian women give analingus the most, while gay men receive it the most.
On average, the survey participants reported performing analingus 2.14 times per month and receiving it 2 times per month.
Actions During Giving Oral Sex
The survey explored the actions performed while giving oral sex.
Findings indicated that 66% of respondents engage in additional stimulation of their partner's body parts, 11.8% masturbate themselves, and 13.3% focus solely on the act itself.
Orgasm Frequency from Oral Sex
The survey investigated how often Americans achieve orgasm from receiving oral sex.
Results showed that the majority of respondents experienced orgasm "some of the time," with 22.4% reporting orgasm most of the time and 13.1% reporting orgasm never or almost never.
Oral Sex as Foreplay or Standalone Activity
The survey aimed to determine whether oral sex was primarily considered foreplay or a standalone activity. Findings revealed that for the majority of respondents, oral sex led to other sexual acts "most of the time," suggesting that it serves as a form of foreplay.
Preferences for Ejaculation During Oral Sex
Preferences for where partners prefer to ejaculate were explored in the survey.
The majority preferred ejaculation in or on their genitals, while those ejaculating preferred to do so in their partner's mouth.
Attitudes Towards Oral Sex
The survey delved into respondents' feelings about oral sex.
The majority found it pleasurable (over 80%) and fun (73.5%), with 55.8% feeling that it creates a closer bond with their partner.
However, some respondents also reported feeling self-conscious (25.3%), while a small percentage found oral sex gross (6.3%) or shameful (3.5%).
Miscellaneous Opinions and Preferences
The survey explored miscellaneous opinions and preferences related to oral sex.
Findings showed that opinions on whether oral sex or intercourse is more intimate were split.
Additionally, 51.39% of respondents considered refusing to engage in oral sex a potential relationship deal-breaker.
Learn more
27 May 2023

I wish i wanted/ enjoy sex at the moment sometimes i do most Times i want to be left alone . I’m just uncomfortable and hurting all the time

This is me all day. Some days I want it like crazy, but since I’ve been in my 3 rd trimester, I feel like blah
27 Mar 2024


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👑 Kookie 💜
19 Nov 2022

Ok I am 10 weeks and 3 days. I received oral sex last night from my dude. We don’t have sex anymore cause was told that it was best not to. I woke up to a surprise this morning. I did receive a pap on Monday which was like 5 days ago and didn’t have no bleeding or anything # i am scared now.. Help me what’s this❓❓❓

Looks like old blood. If you had an orgasms I’m sure the muscles contracting released the old blood.
27 Mar 2024


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👑 Kookie 💜
Thanks over here worried to death
27 Mar 2024


5 Sep 2022

Yall sex just ain't the same as you get further along..I love sex with my partner but lately I'm so uncomfortable it's hard to enjoy..I literally got a Charley horse last time and had to stop 🤦‍♀️

Desi 🦂♏️
Girl it just hurt from the back too me 😂 and I love it back there lol
27 Mar 2024


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I only did it one time my whole life in the back and it hurt so bad thought I died 😂
27 Mar 2024


11 Aug 2022

I always loved to give my husband oral sex but these days man I just can’t. Has anyone had anyone had a similar experience??

he wants it too much? That makes a person not want to do it either.
27 Mar 2024


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♥️Maysons Momma♥️
11 Aug 2022

Just tried having sex with hubby 10 min in it just didn't feel good to me it kind of hurt so we stopped. I loved sex before being pregnant this sucks lol but worth it at least masterbating is fun and pleasurable for me I just told him next time we will stick to oral lmao


23 Oct 2021

My sex life in this pregnancy has been horrible, I don't actually enjoy sex is it same with anyone

Omg it’s so bad lol I probably had sex about 10 times within this nine months and it’s terrible!!!!!! I hope this goes away after the baby cause I won’t be with him long if so. The connection everything it’s like your hot pocket is just broke !
27 Mar 2024


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