I had my boy finally! 62 hrs of labor, pushed for 6 hours and they had to use forceps at the end bc his heart rate was dropping but it was so worth it.
Delivery with forceps refers to a natural (vaginal) delivery with a mechanical "push".
I had my boy finally! 62 hrs of labor, pushed for 6 hours and they had to use forceps at the end bc his heart rate was dropping but it was so worth it.
Anyone had to have any instruments used during a vaginal delivery? As in the forceps or vacuum or the monitoring system they goes into babies head… my husband and I have been doing a birthing class/videos and they look absolutely terrifying. If comfortable can you please tell me about your experience?
Hey moms so I’m about to be 4 weeks postpartum I had a vaginal delivery which ended up with forceps being used and had 2nd degree tears, lately I’ve been feeling like shooting pain and burning is it normal? Could it be my stitches or like the bruising or swelling? Shouldn’t I be recovering by now? Thank you first time mom here I have been struggling with postpartum recovery 😭
So my delivery was really traumatic. I think I was screwed over because my ob had 2 other deliveries he was late too and ended up in him having to use forceps on my babies head. Couldn't of he just don't a c section. Now my baby is fussy all the time he's only 4 days old