12 Mar 2024

Giving birth with an epidural: the advantages

As the arrival of your baby approaches, you might be wondering what the advantages of giving birth with an epidural are.

  • Well, first of all, it can help you avoid the pain associated with the event... but there's nothing new in that.
  • The epidural can also allow you to better enjoy the moment by offering you more calm.
  • Not to mention the father, who will also be able to fully enjoy the baby's birth without being overwhelmed by your pain and his feelings of helplessness.
  • Finally, you should know that labor can sometimes be accelerated!
6 Sep 2023

Didn’t find out the sex until delivery. Last baby born 3 days before my own birthday. Had a smooth delivery with only 2 pushes but won’t lie and say an epidural was regrettable A LITTLE the healing was a lot faster this time. #virgobaby #icandrinkformybirthday #babynumer2 #myrainbowbabynumber2

I would like to do this w my next baby wait til birth to find out sex I think it would be fun 💙💕
6 Sep 2023


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Lol I love torturing ppl so it was definitely “if you like dark humor you’d like doing this” I was even surprised. I swore we had a boy!! But either way I’m just glad to not be pregnant and I can finally enjoy this baby
6 Sep 2023
