My childrens father barely wants to have sex since I been pregnant he avoids it a lot and he says he doesn’t feel comfortable should I be upset ?
My childrens father barely wants to have sex since I been pregnant he avoids it a lot and he says he doesn’t feel comfortable should I be upset ?
Ladies I need advice. I am about 23 weeks, I am not wanting to be touched anywhere/at all and I have no sex drive what so ever. I will get one tiny spark to have sex than it goes away, same with being touched. I want to have sex with my husband but I know if I do, I won’t enjoy it same with touch. Have any of you ladies gone through no sex drive and or not being touched while pregnant? If so how did your husband, bf, partner etc react and how did you guys make it through it.
Is it okay to have sex a lot while pregnant and is it okay to lay on your stomach during sex I’m a new mom and these things worry me.
You know what’s not talked about enough how uncomfortable it is to lay while pregnant. I am never comfortable