12 Mar 2024

Which infant milk to choose after breastfeeding?

If breast milk is the best food for a baby, at the time of weaning, parents find themselves lost in the jungle of formula milk in the market. Which one to choose?

  • First infant milk is intended for babies under six months of age who are fed exclusively with milk.
  • From six months and over, with the introduction of food, the follow-on milk adapts to the baby's needs.
  • Growth milk, enriched with iron, is recommended for babies from 12 months to 3 years.
  • Transitional milk must contain probiotics and/or prebiotics whose objective is to limit pain and diarrhea due to the transition between breast milk and infant milk.
  • In any case, don't hesitate to make an appointment with your pediatrician, who will help you with anything related to baby milk.
22 Jan 2024

If breastfeeding and pumping, make sure to separate night and day milk because night milk has melatonin in it, helping baby to sleep 😴 💤

Wow I never knew that
22 Jan 2024


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Yes. I had no need to pump with my 2 girls. So i have been researching. So my girls can help feed baby sometimes 😊
22 Jan 2024


Keisha "Da Pregnant"
14 May 2022

Breastfeeding is a supply-and-demand system. The more demand on the system through breastfeeding the baby, the more milk the body makes. Occasionally, nature's system is imperfect. Sometimes the body takes a day or two to catch up to a baby's increased breastfeeding demand during a growth spurt. It is not dependent on your breast size. Feed the baby,make milk

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Exactly. Only 2% of mothers have an actual medical reason as to why they cannot produce breast milk. Meaning it's very rare, and not likely. Unfortunately, the rest just didn't have the proper support, education and information to push through the common struggles of breastfeeding, which is the area we need to have more focus on.
14 May 2022


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Amen. What grinds my gears is that some women won’t even attempt to breastfeed and they’re going to be regretting it when their baby is hungry and there’s no formula anymore.
14 May 2022
