2 Apr 2024

Body Image and Self-Care during Postpartum

Body Image and Self-Care during Postpartum
Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! As you embark on your postpartum journey, it's natural to experience a range of emotions, including concerns about your body image.
Embracing Your Changing Body
Remember, your body has gone through an incredible journey of pregnancy and childbirth, and it deserves love, care, and appreciation. Embrace your changing body with these tips:
  • Practice self-compassion: Be kind to yourself and avoid comparing your body to unrealistic standards. Celebrate the amazing feat your body has accomplished in bringing new life into the world.
  • Focus on the positives: Shift your mindset towards the wonderful things your body has done. Appreciate the strength and resilience it has shown throughout pregnancy and labor.
  • Engage in positive affirmations: Remind yourself daily of the beauty and strength that lies within you. Repeat affirmations such as "I am grateful for my body and the miracle it has created."
Nurturing Your Mental Well-being
Alongside physical changes, your mental well-being is equally important during the postpartum period. It's common to experience a rollercoaster of emotions, and taking care of your mental health is essential. Consider the following strategies:
  • Seek support: Reach out to loved ones, friends, or support groups who can offer understanding and encouragement. Sharing your thoughts and feelings can alleviate stress and provide a sense of connection.
  • Practice self-care: Carve out time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Whether it's taking a warm bath, reading a book, or enjoying a hobby, prioritize self-care to nurture your mental well-being.
  • Stay active: Engage in gentle exercises like walking or postnatal yoga, as they can boost your mood through the release of endorphins. Always consult your healthcare provider before starting any exercise regimen.
  • Get enough rest: Sleep deprivation is common during the early stages of motherhood. Whenever possible, take short naps or rest when your baby is sleeping. Remember, self-care includes prioritizing your own rest and recuperation.
Embracing a Healthy Lifestyle
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is vital for both your physical and mental well-being during the postpartum period. Here are some tips to guide you:
  • Eat nourishing foods: Focus on a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. These nutrients will help support your recovery and provide energy for your new role as a mother.
  • Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to promote proper digestion, support breastfeeding (if applicable), and maintain overall well-being.
  • Gradually incorporate exercise: Begin with gentle exercises, as recommended by your healthcare provider. Activities like pelvic floor exercises, gentle stretching, and low-impact workouts can help restore strength and improve your overall fitness.
Building a Supportive Network
Remember, you're not alone on this postpartum journey. Building a supportive network of fellow moms can provide invaluable guidance and reassurance. Consider these suggestions:
  • Join a postpartum support group: Seek out local or online support groups where you can connect with other new moms who are experiencing similar challenges and triumphs.
  • Attend parenting classes or workshops: Engaging in educational opportunities can help you gain knowledge and build confidence in your parenting skills. Plus, you'll have the chance to meet other parents and form meaningful connections.
  • Lean on your partner: Encourage open communication with your partner about your experiences and emotions. Together, you can navigate the joys and challenges of parenthood.
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28 Oct 2023

My postpartum body…I don’t know how I truly feel about it just yet but I am so grateful I was able to carry and care for my precious baby boy with it!! The body is truly a work of art when it comes to child birth!!! #postpartum-body

jaebae jayyyy
U look great ❤️ I look the exact same. I was an athlete My whole life n always had abs n a flat stomach but now i look legit exactly like u do n there's nothing wrong w that. What our bodies did is amazing ❤️ n so beyond worth the sacrifice
27 Mar 2024


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A beautiful gift we have received ♥️♥️♥️
27 Mar 2024


27 Oct 2023

Note to self when just having a baby last month and get him taken away ur postpartum depression hits allot more. I've been crying every night cuz I miss my kids so much all of them postpartum is the worst

Praying for you.
27 Mar 2024


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thank u
27 Mar 2024


12 Jun 2023

I’ve been struggling with confidence and self image through this pregnancy. On top of that, my husband’s sex drive has plummeted. This is making me even more insecure. Anyone else going through the same thing? What are you doing to cope? #26weeks

I was in the beginning. I wasn't getting dressed, no makeup, not even doing anything to my hair because I was so sick 🤢 🤧 but I had to pull myself out of it I didn't have an issue with sex but I felt if I didn't start back taking care of myself it will give my husband more reason to watch others 😥 so I started day by day a little make up a nice dress and even a new wig and I feel like a new me. Self love is always best and definitely needed. You got this love, love yourself first 😍 always remember you are beautiful 🌸
27 Mar 2024


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Stacy ♥️🤞🏾
Yes, I’m going through it now. How am I coping? I’m not! Im just being a good sport for the sake of the baby, keeping my cool and staying cordial to keep the peace. If a person going to have a wondering eye then that’s on them. Men will never understand the struggle we have to go through with pregnancy. I try to get back to that person that was all live and in charge but it’s hard at times. If you have a wondering eye then do you… this baby won’t be in for long.
27 Mar 2024


29 Apr 2023

Any mommies that had a C-section before ? I could use some advice to take care of my body. I am 3 days postpartum ☺️ Is there anything I can do to ease the tenderness?

Eshe 🧘🏾‍♀️
Just take it easy and stay on top of ur pain killers whenever u feel pain. U will be fine in a few more days but still take it slow and easy
27 Mar 2024


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Any good pain medicine you would advise?
27 Mar 2024


7 Feb 2023

4 months postpartum. Body still aches all over every day . felt like I was in a football game the night before……and I lost

You shouldn’t hurt still. Talk to your doctor
27 Mar 2024


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I’m 12wks postpartum from my c section I’m finally starting to feel some relief from mine it takes women different amounts of time to recover but I do agree w the above user tell your OB dr how u are feeling immediately
27 Mar 2024


30 Jan 2023

Ladiess!!! For my ladies that are stressed and feeling down, including myself, go to Walmart and grab a soap bar of lavander from Dove or a body wash, whatever you preffer. Get you some candles. Play some elevator music in the background and relax in the shower. Self care and hygine is very important during pregnancy. Ik it can be tuff but we can do it. It will make you feel better. Trust me. Don’t forget your water. Do your skin care routine, feel pretty cuz yes BITCH WE ARE A BAD BITCH! Boost yo selfsteem. Good vibes. Keep ur house clean and fresh. And you will feel comfy ❤️

Beautifully said sis ❤️❤️
27 Mar 2024


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Yess I’ve been so tired at night and been falling asleep without doing my nightly skin care and I see it🙃 I was just thinking I need to just do it no matter how tired I be
27 Mar 2024


21 Jan 2023

Trying to get back comfortable in my body at 6 months postpartum is so hard I have tried so much and I’m still so insecure with my self

Aw habibti I’m right there with you🤧 I got some days where I don’t focus on it too much but it’s definitely hard
27 Mar 2024


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5 Nov 2022

How do y’all deal with postpartum depression? Any tips on coping techniques. I’ve been having such a hard time with it, it’s been mostly just eating away at my mental health and self esteem. I’m just so tired and exhausted all the time. I don’t feel useful and I feel disgusted with myself and my body (Not in a way of wanting to harm myself or others) TIA

I feel you. Im sorry i cant help im struggling too.
27 Mar 2024


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Have you tried discussing this with anyone?
27 Mar 2024


22 Aug 2022

10 weeks left😩sounds so close but yet far. So tired of being pregnant…just want my baby👩🏽‍🍼🫶🏽,my body back. I just want to be my self again! Depression has been kicking my ass during my pregnancy. Pray to god himself postpartum doesn’t destroy me once my baby is here. I also know pain doesn’t last forever.💕🙌🏽

Aw don't let post partum get to your head. I been having those feelings too like dang I was so small before and now at 31 weeks my body looks huge. One of my boobs is bigger than the other. I started hating on my self about a week ago and almost threw myself into a huge depression. I make myself socialize with others and I smile as much as I can. I watch videos of mom's bonding with their babies and see that's gonna be me. My son Gon be every thing to me once here's here and with every kick I feel more love and i talk to hims. ♥️ Get up. Clean something. Watch some stand up comedy. Eat your favorite food. Take a shower. Or take a nap. Light a candle. Play a board game. Keep your mind occupied. Most women bounce back after pregnancy. It's temporary for now you can always work out and get that body back. I lost my cakes but im gonna get em back after I have my lul stink ♥️.
27 Mar 2024


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I try to make friends or start a conversation every where I go. It's the small things that keep me going. Eat a healthy meal too. Anything that's gonna keep you feeling like you did something right that day. You don't have to do all these things in one day. Just take it a day at a time. If you feel overwhelmed and you're thinking too much breath through your nose hold it for 5 seconds and slowly release your breath. Listen to a good podcast too. Teachers off duty podcast is real cute you'd probably like it too. ♥️ Best of luck to you girly. We all got a lot going on. Take care of you first.
27 Mar 2024


3 Aug 2022

Goodmorning, quick question ladies ! Just out of curiosity how do you all plan on taking care of your body postpartum?

Workout I want my six pack bk
27 Mar 2024


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Work out for at least an hour every morning 5x a week
27 Mar 2024


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