Everything your toddler does is developmentally appropriate. Hitting Biting Spitting Not sharing Yelling Ignoring you Talking back Throwing food, etc. These things are SUPPOSED to happen in order for your child to GROW THEIR BRAIN. Your child’s normal behavior is not a reflection of your parenting. Your 3 year old is NOT “bad” nor are you a BAD parent because he’s on the floor of a restaurant kicking and screaming over a broken crayon. They are little people with big feelings figuring out how to appropriately navigate these feelings. They don’t have the psychological capability to be malicious without realizing the consequences. They need you more than ever during their meltdowns. Give yourself and those babies grace. You BOTH are doing the best you can with what you have. Signed, 4 years of adolescent psychology studies. Good morning. ❤ -Copied