🔥WeMoms Contest🔥 Enter to win the baby bath kit (Summer Clean Rinse Baby Bath, Doli Yearning Baby Bath Thermometer and a Bamboo Baby Bath towel) Enter to our random drawing by commenting below the answer to the following:
The bath thermometer is a precious accessory for the baby's bath time! Here is how to make the most of it.
🔥WeMoms Contest🔥 Enter to win the baby bath kit (Summer Clean Rinse Baby Bath, Doli Yearning Baby Bath Thermometer and a Bamboo Baby Bath towel) Enter to our random drawing by commenting below the answer to the following:
My Son is now a week old and we have been having gas issues. He's had a few solid poops too. Not hard and dry solid poops but still solid poops. We have tried everything to help him. Bicycle legs, rubbing his tummy, warm bath, and the thermometer trick. Is there anything we are missing that could possibly help our poor boy?