I got a real question and I don’t wanna tussle 😭 but why do women take Conceiving so serious? Like why does it feel like the end of the world if you can’t?
I got a real question and I don’t wanna tussle 😭 but why do women take Conceiving so serious? Like why does it feel like the end of the world if you can’t?
I was doing research and looked up when women ovulated and if they ovulated after periods and the results shocked me because it says you ovulated before periods. Well the Flo app keeps telling me I’m ovulating right after mine. It’s always been accurate on when my period starts. Have I not gotten prego bc I’m trying in the wrong window? Anyone else have this problem with Flo?!
Question of the day: while minding your business at a public place as a pregnant individual, why do other women who look at you or stare at you hard while looking at your stomach?
Some of you pregnant women on here are so rude to other women that ask questions or say something that doesn’t sit right with you or you don’t like. This is supposed to be a safe haven for women not to be judged to feel comfortable with coming here and talking about their issues. This is why women empowerment is so dead because we don’t empower one another all we do is put someone down when they say something or do something that you don’t agree with if you know you can’t say anything nice to someone then why be on a pregnant women chat, get off of here and stop making other women feel bad about the questions or the things that they are going through in their pregnancy. We all are here to help each other not judge and put each other down. You guys need to learn to have a little bit more grace. This post is for the women that are inconsiderate bitches #sorrynotsorry #actinglikeyourshitdontstink
The me don't I look pregnant cuz I can feel my baby a little bit in the bottom of my belly and I can't then take a pregnancy test cuz I have a doctor's appointment on the 26th of this month and I was why wondering why I should I take a pregnancy test when I'm going to the doctor and they can do the pregnancy test and the ultrasound that same day on the 26th but I do look pregnant I've been having periods with my pregnancy and it never been heavy it's been like. So I was wondering how is they going to do a pregnancy test with me having periods so that's why they have to do a ultrasound and then they keep rescheduling my ultrasound appointments telling me I had to reschedule cuz she wants to do other testing on me my doctor cuz I had a negative pregnancy test but I can feel my baby in the bottom of my stomach
This is gonna sound vain af. But y’all know how some women still have a belly after having their babies? Well I’ve had two kids and both times, immediately, I went back to a flat tummy. But I had two c-sections and this time I’m having a baby naturally and I’m absolutely terrified of not doing the same thing 😩 and I have no idea why some women do and some don’t to even try to work towards a specific goal. I don’t even know why it terrifies me🙃
Why are some women more bigger then others at different times I’m 21 weeks and I see these women weeks under me and they are like huge and poppin out and I’m just barely looking pregnant ?
These Braxton Hicks are no joke! Why do us women have to go through so much just to create a beautiful blessing?
I have irregular periods and I’m “over weight” been trying to have a baby for some time it just seems soo impossible 💛🥹 anyone else have irregular periods?
I often wonder why me? Why can’t I just have a normal body? Why do I always have problems down there? Why do some people get pregnant easy and some struggle? It’s just not fair. I seem to always have something wrong like yeast, urinary, or BV infections, hemorrhoids, pain durning sex (that’s gotten better after getting off birth control), and late/irregular periods. I’m just exhausted with it all. I FEEL FOR ALL OF YOU THAT ARE STRUGGLING! ❤️ If anyone wants to ever talk I’m here! #struggling #support #why #itwillbeokay