Has anyone experienced restless legs and itching during their pregnancy? If so, what do/did you use to relieve the symptoms? I’m going crazy 😫😫
Has anyone experienced restless legs and itching during their pregnancy? If so, what do/did you use to relieve the symptoms? I’m going crazy 😫😫
Please someone help a sister out . I usually have my period twice a month at the beginning and the end. My last period was on Dec 28 to Jan 01 and my cycle varies from 25 to 29days. My Flo app says I’m 3days late but I’m having all my period symptoms yet no period and results are negative.What could it be?🥺 am I pregnant or not?
What is the fastest remedy for symptoms of a cold and flu I’m 38 weeks pregnant and I don’t want to feel this way during labor next week?
Having pregnancy symptoms ... I'm really hoping this is it.. heartburn like crazy, super tired during the day.. period is expected on the 3rd.. bought some tests yesterday. Any advice when to test?
Okay so I’m in my 2 week waiting period what are some symptoms y’all been having?…I’ve had diarrhea uncomfortable pains but no poop and my stomach been feeling funny and I’ve been really sleeping lately too and my bf been throwing up and having the runs !! #symptoms #trying#waiting
For those who are mothers to boys and girls - what was the difference in your symptoms during pregnancy?
Good morning lovelies, what are the unusual and normal early pregnancy symptoms? I'm confused by what my body is trying to tell me and I feel soooo off, even more off than I normally should if my period was to come. I track my period on a few apps and all of them say I am 13 days past, but I have irregular periods and it's normal for me to not have a period on time but it'snot normalfor it to be longer than a few days to a week delayed. I stopped taking my bc a month ago and my boyfriend and I are sexualy active, I already took two pregnancy tests this week and both came back negative. I'm waiting until next Saturday which is the 6th to take a blue dye test if nothing comes of my period or these symptoms don't stop, please comment what symptoms are normal and what ones are unusual but you've been having them. P.s. sorry for long message lol, just very anxious