I am really really worried please help me. Since yesterday, I have been having pink or red cervical mucus. I passed a clot/tissue like thing yesterday once and now today. What should I do? Is it normal? No cramps or bleeding so far.
I am really really worried please help me. Since yesterday, I have been having pink or red cervical mucus. I passed a clot/tissue like thing yesterday once and now today. What should I do? Is it normal? No cramps or bleeding so far.
TMI WARNING i have a question has anyone had this come out at 9 weeks postpartum my husband says it’s a tissue and blood clot but I’m not sure and what do I do
My partner is trying to force abortion on me. What do I do, I'm stuck between being so in love and losing my child's brother or sister. I'm so lost and hurt and feeling betrayed.
Yall i don't wanna feel like I'm exaggerating.. I went to the ER on 12/31 for passing tissue. Which I was diagnosed a threatened miscarriage, and was told to go back if my symptoms worsened. Today I started bleeding (like a light/regular period) w/ dime sized clots. I'm not cramping really bad, but do have this dull achiness in my lower back and lower abdomen. Should I go back to the ER?
Is this something i should be worried abt there was more blood on the first tissue
Sooo I go to wipe myself and the tissue is a little pink but I wasn’t to sure .. then a few hours later I wipe myself again after peeing and it’s pink again but more pink then before should I call my doctor ..
I’m like in a rock in hard place seeing my baby on the screen made me change my mind and keep my child but the dad wants me to get rid of it because we both agree on me getting a abortion before he’s becoming aggressive about the situation because at first I was going to get an abortion but something happened at the clinic where they postpone it ? what should I do ? I really do want to keep my baby
I’m having some bleeding but I had an ultrasound yesterday and the baby was moving and fine and the doctors said ultrasound results didn’t show anything wrong and I’ve called in twice and they said if I’m not passing clots or tissue and bleeding heavy like period blood then I’m okay.
im starting to think my first abortion mess me up! . but plenty ppl having babies after abortion idk man! im on the pre-seed! im just praying next month it'll happen👀🙏🏽 nd i had a miscarriage after i try again! after 5 months trying nothing happening im always going to doctor he told me once that my levels were high i could get pregnant after my cycle but nothing yet. i hope August goes well send me baby dust!
He got me pregnant and keep trying to force me to get an abortion . He turned his family against me and showing them videos of our private conversation without my consent and now they look down on me . What should I do? I can't stop stressing about it