Its been 6 years since I had a baby n I need help remembering what to do after your 2 month Olds shots . Should I give him Tylenol for pain . He keeps crying after his shots this morning. 💉🥺🤱
Its been 6 years since I had a baby n I need help remembering what to do after your 2 month Olds shots . Should I give him Tylenol for pain . He keeps crying after his shots this morning. 💉🥺🤱
What do y’all do for nipple pain I’m breast feeding my son and his latch hurts so bad lol but at least he’s getting milk but I’m in pain I just started actually letting him suck my nipples I’m use to pumping for him so what do y’all do for the pain after
Y’all my breast is in soooo much pain even after I pump Idk what to do I even tried pumping after the milk stopped flowing and they are still sore and in pain idk what to do !!!
For moms that had a c section... what can I do to help my back pain? It's super sore and I'm talking oxy every 4-6 hours, Tylenol every 4-6 hours, and Ibuprofen every 6 hours. It's not working and it hurts to sit, stand, lean, feed my baby, pick her up... idk what to do. Heat, pain killers, stretching, moving, slouching, standing straight... doesn't work. Nothing does. Idk what to do and I'm in so much pain that I'm always close to crying everyday constantly
ladies! what do you all do to relieve back pain? i have a 20 month old i am constantly chasing after and picking up. currently about 7 weeks pregnant.
I know I’m still early but I want to do an epidural pregnancy bc I feel like I can’t take the pain but that needle gonna scare me what do y’all think or any advice?