Have any of you used the sneak peak gender tests at home and were they accurate?
Have any of you used the sneak peak gender tests at home and were they accurate?
Has anyone used the digital clear blue ovulation tests? If so how many days did you get a blinking smiley face before getting a solid smily face?
Has anyone ever taken a clear blue digital and it’s says not pregnant but all the rest of the tests say’s positive. I used the Walgreens digital as well and that says pregnant 🤰🏽
This is why I hate digital tests. There’s obviously 2 lines🤦🏻♀️but it says NOT PREGNANT
So I’ve taken multiple tests and have come back negative even a digital but I seen something abou the digital not able to read the strip and I took it apart and there was two lines does this mean I’m pregnant?
Has anyone used those SneakPeek or Peekaboo gender tests? If so how early can they detect it and is it actually accurate?
positive tests last night. Including digital. Negative digital today. AF is due today. Chemical? or has this happened to anyone and the pregnancy was fine?
So my last missed period was supposed to be on June 9th well It didn't come so on June 23rd I took 2 home pregnancy tests one digital and one non digital and both came back positive my pregnancy app says my approximately due date is March 16th 2023 I'm 3wks and 6 days does that sound about right mamas #3rdPregnancy #EarlyInThePregnancy
Hi. New here. I'm a mom of two trying to conceive #3. I had a miscarriage in October. And concerned. I have very light pink bleeding. I got 2 very faint pregnancy tests. And 2 digital that has two lines (I've taken apart Many digitals and have never seen two lines unless pregnant) but the digital says not pregnant. So confused. Help.
Happy mothers day to all you mom and to all that are trying so I tested positive on Friday with a digital and I have been testing every day since I have two digital and 2 regular tests that have faint positive lines and I just took another digital that says not pregnant should I still go see my doctor to confirm or let it go