My HCG levels was 1,536 at 4 1/2 weeks pregnant. Is that too high? Anyone else experience this? No bleeding, normal pregnancy symptoms of heartburn, some mild cramping randomly, and sore boobs.
My HCG levels was 1,536 at 4 1/2 weeks pregnant. Is that too high? Anyone else experience this? No bleeding, normal pregnancy symptoms of heartburn, some mild cramping randomly, and sore boobs.
My hcg level at 5 weeks 1 day was at 119 My hcg levels at 6 weeks was at 600. They did an ultrasound and saw the sac but nothing else (too soon) Dr mentioned that my hcg levels are really low and I have an appt in 15 days for an ultrasound and another hcg test to make sure its a viable pregnancy.. Anybody else gone through this? Im so scared I just had a MC 9 months ago
Hey , has anyone Hcg levels ever been 60,141 at 6 weeks almost 7 ? This is my first pregnancy so I’m kinda worried… 
I found out I was pregnant at 4 weeks my hcg levels were at 503. Just curious what your hcg levels were at however many weeks you found out? 🤗
Hi everyone! I just had my first appointment today and got my hcg levels measured they are at 26,411 mIU/mL. The results on my portal say high next to it. Anyone else have experience with hcg levels? I’m measuring at 5 weeks 6 days
Has anyone ever experienced their hCG levels dropping and then rising? Has anyone ever had this happen and still carried on to have a healthy pregnancy? I think I'm either 5 weeks or 6 weeks pregnant. I also take progesterone vaginally once a day. June/15 hCG 7,472 (OBGYN) June/23 hCG 11,617 (ER) June/26 hCG 9,048 (OBGYN) #hCG #levels #pregnant #drop #5weeks #6weeks #advice #help #progesterone #baby #ertrip #obgyn #bloodwork
Hey everyone! I’m reading all your post! They are so helpful! I’m a new mom just had my HCG levels taken and they are at 319. My regular doctor thinks I’m around 4 weeks, but seeing all your high HCG levels makes me a little nervous. I have had a lost pregnancy in the past so I’m just a little nervous!
My hcg levels are 63188 at 7 weeks. This is my first pregnancy, is that high or is that a normal range?
I am 5 weeks pregnant today. My HCG blood levels were taken at the Dr. And came back 2,030.. is that normal for 5 weeks pregnancy? Thanks!
My little peanuts heart beat was 114 beats per minute and hcg levels are 75,645 now at six weeks. Pregnancy is progressing great