2 months 4 weeks an 3 days I think it’s weird how I have all the symptoms but is bleeding implantation or is that miscarriage
2 months 4 weeks an 3 days I think it’s weird how I have all the symptoms but is bleeding implantation or is that miscarriage
Just wiped and got this… y’all think this ovulation bleeding or possible implantation bleeding? If it’s implantation bleeding that means I ovulated earlier than I thought. My period not supposed to start for 2 weeks. I’ve never gotten ovulation bleeding before tho so I’m genuinely confused what this means…
1DPO and of course my body is trying to trick me that I'm experiencing symptoms of implantation 🙄 #TheCountdownBegins 🌬️✨🤰🏾🤞🏾
OK lady's. So I never knew about implantation bleeding. My period isn't supposed to come till30th. But I'm wondering if this looks like possible implantation bleeding to you all. I have no symptoms of period or pregnancy really so I feel very confused and feel like I'm over thinking just cause of all the things I've learned.
Barely any symptoms. 20 weeks today. Feeling nervous. Anyone else have their symptoms lessen around this stage in pregnancy?
Tmi but I get this small little pain in my vagina everytime im about to come on and I’m feeling it now… I’m irregular so certain symptoms are how I can tell that I’m about to come on I hope that’s not the case and that It’s just implantation bleeding but I haven’t seen blood yet so who knows 😕 btw I’m 5dpo
4 weeks and 3 days with my 2nd and the bloating is making me feel huge already! (Period before was weird so I second guess if I’m farther along lol) Otherwise does anyone else feel completely normal with minimal to no symptoms after having the implantation cramps and back pain from before? I did this with my first as well and had no symptoms! 1st appointment is Jan 4th! #worrywartmomma
Is this implantation bleeding? My symptoms are : Sore boobs Bloating Sour taste buds 
July 18 I will be 6DPO I Kinda hope I see the implantation bleeding because I'm will know that's a sign or I hope I have symptoms or something just want this to be my month 🤞🙏
So I miscarried around the holidays. I was told to wait 4-6 weeks or after my next period to try again. I believe right now I’m going through the implantation stage because I am spotting. I HOPE SO. PLEASE PRAY FOR ME.