Can you get implantation bleeding a day after your supposed period? My period was due the 11th and at 1:30am I went pee and wiped and this is what I found.
Can you get implantation bleeding a day after your supposed period? My period was due the 11th and at 1:30am I went pee and wiped and this is what I found.
Can you get pregnant after 2 weeks after a miscarriage is it possible for a faint line to be on a pregnancy test miscarriage was thanksgiving day
So I had unprotected sex and he 🥜 in me but then one day after I got my period can I be pregnant ?
Question ? can you still get pregnant on the day your period starts ? because my partner dropped some milk off lol
Is it possible to get pregnant if you have sex last day of your period ? #CURIOUS #PERIOD #SEX #TALK #EDUCATION
Is it weird for your doctor to tell you that your due a certain day because of your last period I know the exact day I got pregnant and told my doctor yet they are still going off my last period but saying baby is measuring two weeks smaller which would be the day I got pregnant measurements kinda frustrating
Is it possible to ovulate soon after your period ? Wat are the earliest day some of you ladies ovulate ?
Okay so after I posted a picture of the test I took, I started my period the next day. It was a day late but I didn’t pay any mind to it because your days can be a few off when it comes to your period but I spotted the first day, I had a normal flow the second day, and then I spotted the third day and after that I was done bleeding. Except I only had light spotting when I wiped and I’ve only had that the past two days. It wasn’t even a normal period at all for me. What do you all think?
A lot is people on here is saying you can still get your period but still be pregnant, has this ever happened to u guys before? If so was your period heavy?
Do you normally have implantation bleeding before or after you would get your period?