This type of spotting COULD be normal? Last pregnancy ended in a DNC 6 months ago. #ttc
This type of spotting COULD be normal? Last pregnancy ended in a DNC 6 months ago. #ttc
I’ve been bleeding/spotting for like 10 days now no clots or cramping it’s like more than spotting but less than a period but I’m getting a ultrasound this evening so hopefully everything is ok but I just saw a TikTok that said bleeding can be a sign of twins🙃
Sooo yesterday I made a post about being 2 days past ovulation and spotting...wellll turns out I was actually 5 dpo and spotting today is 6dpo and the spotting is gone but I have milky discharge....this may be a great sign and possibly implantation of Herron baby number 2!
Heyy i’m very new to this, first time pregnancy. I’ve been experiencing implantation spotting/discharge n it stopped still no period im supposed to get it the 15th but no sign of it & when i test my lines are very faint for the positive ones . any advice?
I have a question I have been hungrier a lot lately and it started three weeks ago, I just had a little one back in September of last year but I haven't gotten my period again. I had very light spotting back in April but haven't had anything since, could these be a sign of early pregnancy? Please help #nervous #pleasehelp
I'm 7dpo and left breast has this aching pain going all the way down to my nipple. Would this be breast tenderness? And would this be a sign of pregnancy?
Took this ovulation test today? Does it look positive ladies? Baby dust my way please? I'm bloated also and really gassy and pooping a lot. Can that be a sign of early pregnancy? Here is a pic of my stomach. What y'all think?
can diarrhea be a sign of labor? Someone had told me that it is a sign that labor is near
Sooo, u had a dream that even tho I'm spotting, that I could still be pregnant and I took like 20-30 tests. This is a sign so I'm gonna buy 30 tests tomorrow and imma take one everyday
Hello I had my cycle 22nd of March and now I'm spotting is it possible I can be pregnant after having a ectopic pregnancy back in August of 2021