Hello girls again, in these 7 weeks that I have been pregnant, I have noticed three different discharges, one is a white discharge, the other brown and the other is a very light pink discharge. They think this should worry me.
Hello girls again, in these 7 weeks that I have been pregnant, I have noticed three different discharges, one is a white discharge, the other brown and the other is a very light pink discharge. They think this should worry me.
Hello girls, a few days ago I found out that I am pregnant, and I wanted to ask you if this brown discharge is normal in the first trimester.
I am finding this little pinkish brown discharge from a few days now. Is it normal? I am 22 weeks pregnant #22weeks #pinkbrowndischarge
does a miscarriage feel much like when your period is about to start ? just asking because i been spotting to light bleeding to brown discharge & 🔙 to light bleeding- -for a week- -but no cramping... #herewegoagain 🙄