I am 9 weeks pregnant, haven’t had any concerning symptoms other than more gas, some dull aches and a lot more discharge… but today I took a pregnancy test and the lines on the pregnancy test were more faint than usual… is this a cause for concern?
I am 9 weeks pregnant, haven’t had any concerning symptoms other than more gas, some dull aches and a lot more discharge… but today I took a pregnancy test and the lines on the pregnancy test were more faint than usual… is this a cause for concern?
I’m 8 dpo and trying to distinguish between pms symptoms and pregnancy symptoms! I have had clear sticky discharge the past two days and I was mildly two days ago cramping across my lower abdomen. As well as nausea. When should I test. Is it too early? Should I wait until my period is late. Help.
My husband and I don’t have sex often, but we get this wild burst of energy. This time I noticed I have slight bloody discharge after sex. I’m 33 weeks pregnant. #bleeding #aftersex #33weekspregnant
HELP.... My nipple was irritating me today, kind of itchy. So I squeezed it and I had bloody discharge. Has this happened to anyone while pregnant?
Anyone suffered from stuffy or bloody nose😫😫😫? I’ve been dealing my entire pregnancy!!!!
Help! First pregnancy so I’m unsure. I’m about 9 weeks and 2 days. I had discharge and when I wiped it was bloody like a period, it wasn’t a lot, about like a drop every time I wiped. It is bright red, kind of pinkish. Has anyone experienced this? Is this a sign of miscarriage?
When I found out I was pregnant I was having such bad symptoms. After a 2 weeks of dealing with so many symptoms I started to drink 6 bottles of water and 2 Gatorade a day. Almost all my symptoms disappeared. I don't even have discharge, no u.t.i,, no yeast, hardly any cramps, along with most of the other lovely things pregnancy comes with. I'm posting this with hopes it helps someone.🧡💛💚💙
It’s so weird bcuz I have all these symptoms of pregnancy even the discharge but I’m not pregnant
Went to the bathroom and pushed very little to try and poop and light pink bloody discharge came out my vagina. Had an Ultrasound same day and everything came out great. But I bleed afterwards hours later. Does the term “bloody show” mean anything. I am 27 weeks pregnant and my baby is super active in my belly. what should I do ?
I'm 38 weeks with bloody discharge and painfull contractions any advise? Update: I'm in early labor but they sent me home😭 Any advise on how to cope with pain?