Okay! I’m a first time mom and I’m having a really hard time picking which breast pump to buy… any suggestions on what works the best!?
Okay! I’m a first time mom and I’m having a really hard time picking which breast pump to buy… any suggestions on what works the best!?
Hey y’all mommas I’m scared to take metformin Tell me how it works or feels to be in it !!!!?
Best relaxation I have had my whole pregnancy! I recommend this to all you ladies!! Take a day off and relax!!❤️🙌
Ok ladies so I've been having a few symptoms but not many but I've heard u can take a test at different times of the day so what works best for y'all I only have 1 test so should I take it tomorrow morning or this afternoon
My mood is down :( It's 2 months since I delivered my baby. My husband works all day while I stay home to take care of the baby full time. I probably ask for help from him 5 times a week which isn't a lot. He came home tired saying he's hungry. I couldn't warm him something in the microwave because I had to nurse the baby. I told him I'd make rice (very easy) afterwards if he wants but he responses with "eating is overrated" with a sassy tone. It jsutmade me feel bad because I'm taking care of the baby 24 hours a day. I do night shifts and day shifts. No break. I try my best to clean the room every day and to keep our laundry clean and put away. I barley eat myself. I maybe eat once a day. How am I supposed to even cook if I can't even take a shower. It's been 3 days. I feel bad for him too because he works and works and he's tired too. 😔
Period is a day late, if it doesn’t come when would be the best time to test? #tryingtoconceieve #firstpregnancy #trying #whentotakeatest
Anyone been taking zofran for almost the whole pregnancy? I still can’t go a day without it. I do my best to not to take it but if i don’t I’m puking like 6 times a day. And can’t eat. I’m just a little nervous to be taking it all the way to the end. I also take b6 with unisom at night time.