After nine months of pregnancy, comes the time of delivery. A moment of great excitement and joy. You will also have many questions. Contractions, the beginning of labor, stages, and duration… Here is everything you need to know about childbirth!
Labor can be split into three stages:
A few things to know about the stages of labor:
Don't hesitate to ask for advice and help from the midwives, who will do everything they can to support you in your new role as a young mother!
Are you worried about pain during childbirth?
In more than half of all cases, women who are about to give birth are given a local anesthetic, the epidural. When is a general anesthetic appropriate?
If you're wondering how you're going to react when your baby finally shows up, one thing is for sure: you're in for a real treat!
Labor is the beginning of childbirth and occurs between the 37th and 42nd weeks of pregnancy. How can you tell when labor has begun, and how long does it last?
To prepare for childbirth, your body is inducing contractions to open your cervix. This dilation process is divided into three phases.
You will most likely feel contractions throughout your pregnancy, but how do you know which ones mean your baby is on the way? Many moms-to-be worry that they won't recognize true contractions and know for sure that the time has come. Here are the main signs.
When your baby is ready to be born, your body sends several signals, such as the loss of the mucus plug and your water breaking.
During your pregnancy, the placenta plays an important role. Attached to your uterus, it serves for all exchanges with your baby.
I'm wrecked, I'm exhausted, I'm sooooooo tired… After giving birth, you feel like you've been hit by a train!
When you're pregnant, you're always told about the term, the date when you'll give birth!