24 May 2022

Focus on the different ways of giving birth

Every birth is different, even if you have several children. There are different ways to give birth. To help you understand them more clearly and prepare yourself for the big day, here is an overview of the different possible methods.

  • Let's start with natural vaginal delivery. This is the most common and easiest way to give birth. Labor is carried out alone, without medical assistance, and takes place in 4 main stages: the first moderate contractions allow the dilation of the cervix to begin. As the contractions intensify, the cervix finishes its work of opening and eventually subsides. Then comes the expulsion of the baby and delivery.
  • If everything does not start as planned, the delivery can be induced. This is the case, for example, when labor does not start on its own once full term is reached, or when there is a particular problem. Midwives then use tablets, gel, or an infusion to trigger the first contractions. Often dreaded, induced labor is particularly well supported and the epidural is given systematically to ease labor.
  • Delivery by cesarean section can also be considered. Multiple pregnancies, the bad position of the baby, contraindications for a vaginal delivery... Sometimes childbirth requires surgery. Performed under epidural or general anesthesia, a cesarean section ensures the safety of the child and the mother. Nowadays, a C-section is perfectly controlled and does not prohibit a vaginal delivery for subsequent pregnancies.
  • Another decisive element in the delivery process is pain management. Here, again, each woman can choose between giving birth to her baby with alternative pain management or taking an epidural. As contraindications are rare, most deliveries can be accompanied by an epidural allowing the mother to welcome her baby at ease.
  • In addition to all these methods, there are also what we call special deliveries. If everything is well with the pregnancy, it's possible to personalize your baby's birth to keep an even more unforgettable memory - you can give birth in the water, at home, under hypnosis, or with the help of acupuncture. Of course, everything is to be discussed with your medical team so that it all goes smoothly.

Now it's up to you to choose the birth of your dreams!

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When does your doctor intervene during childbirth?


When you give birth, your doctor may perform certain procedures to make sure everything is going well. Let's review the most common ones.

  • During labor, the medical team is there to monitor many things, starting with the length and frequency of your contractions.
  • The opening of the cervix is also an important indicator of the progress of the birth.
  • Another key element is your baby's heart rate, which should be monitored carefully.
  • Never hesitate to ask questions or tell your doctor or midwife how you feel.

Natural vs. induced delivery


Are you wondering if it's better to wait for the natural onset of labor or if it's better to have an induced one?

  • Induction can be ordered by your doctor for medical reasons, but you can also request it for personal convenience.
  • There are several induction techniques, but some can be painful.
  • If you are not past the term of your pregnancy, it is advisable to wait for the natural onset of contractions.
  • Induction is not recommended for mothers who have given birth by cesarean section, as they risk uterine rupture.

Unconventional deliveries


We all know how a medical delivery works, in a maternity hospital or clinic. However, there are also unconventional delivery techniques:

  • You can give birth in the water if you wish. This technique is gentler and gives you more freedom but is not practiced everywhere. Ask your maternity hospital for more information.
  • It is also possible to give birth at home, but under certain conditions and depending on your health and that of your baby.
  • Natural childbirth is chosen to experience birth without any medical intervention.

Childbirth and epidurals: making a choice


Epidural or no epidural, that is the question! And you'll have to ask yourself this question before the big day arrives.

  • Even if you want to have a natural birth, preparing yourself for the possibility of an epidural is essential.
  • There are many reasons to need support - pain more intense than expected, fatigue, long labor... so it is better not to close the doors to an epidural for good!
  • Take the time to think about it calmly, go to the appointment with the anesthesiologist at the maternity hospital and above all, discuss it with the future father!

Going through a cesarean section during childbirth


Sometimes everything seems to be going well, but at the last minute things don't look so good, and a C-section is necessary...

  • At that moment, you have to admit it... your heart is swinging between panic and disappointment.
  • Having a C-section when you are prepared for a vaginal delivery can sometimes be a great disappointment.
  • There are many reasons for this, but the main ones are that the baby is in a bad position, the baby is too big or labor is taking too long.

Episiotomy: what is it?


When will you need an episiotomy? Here is some valuable information about this procedure that is sometimes performed during childbirth.

  • An episiotomy is a surgical cut made on the perineum, the muscular area between the vagina and the anus.
  • It is done just before or during childbirth in order to enlarge your vaginal opening if necessary, because of the size of the baby or the need to speed up labor.
  • This small operation is performed under local anesthesia and stitches are used to close your perineum, they can be absorbable stitches or not.
  • You will feel some pain in the days following the delivery.