24 May 2022

Baby's colic

Colic is a problem that is well known to pediatricians and is very common. To help your baby through this difficult time, you must know what colic is and what you can do about it:

  • Colic appears regularly from the 3rd week of baby's life and more rarely from the 1st week.
  • Colic can be recognized by your baby's intense, recurring cries and screams.
  • The attacks cause pain that can exceed 3 hours per day and last for several weeks.
  • They are linked to tensions felt by the baby, but also to gas that accumulates in the intestines, or to poor evacuation of stools.
  • The baby expresses himself by writhing, clenching their fists, and blushing.
  • To ease colic, create a soothing, serene environment to help your baby calm down.
  • Massaging the belly clockwise will help your baby pass gas and stimulate digestion.
  • A hot water bottle on your baby's tummy reduces the pain of colic and makes your baby feel better.
  • To avoid making colic worse, it is recommended that your baby does not eat too much or too fast, and swallows as little air as possible while feeding.
  • You can also help your baby by putting them in a lukewarm bath that will relax them and help release tensions in the intestines. A bath is ideal to enjoy a little peace and quiet, and to soothe your baby's crying.
  • If you're at a loss when faced with the constant crying and pain of your baby, call your pediatrician. They will do a check-up to make sure your baby is well and that it is only colic. They will also give you some tips on how to ease the pain of colic.
  • There's no magic trick, but by using these tips, you can reduce the pain and make it more manageable. Use them to see what helps your baby.

In this article

Colic in babies


Although sometimes confusing and distressing, colic in babies are very common:

  • Colic in babies can appear as early as the first few weeks of your baby's life, and sometimes as early as the first week.
  • It can be recognized by certain symptoms such as whining and regular crying.
  • Watch out for your baby curling up and turning red.
  • Implement a few tricks to help them calm down.
  • If the colic attacks tend to last, ask your pediatrician for advice to confirm that it's colic.

How to relieve colic?


Help your child coping better with colic attacks by using these tips:

  • Massaging is ideal for calming tension and making your baby feel better.
  • Put a baby hot water bottle on your child's belly. The heat helps to ease the pain.
  • Your baby should be placed in a room with a serene and soothing atmosphere.
  • You can rock your baby to help calm down the crying.
  • Your baby should not eat too much or swallow air while eating.
  • Ask your pediatrician for advice and a personalized answer to your questions.

Baby colic: symptoms and treatment


Raise your hand if you have never heard of it! Baby colic is something that can literally ruin the lives of young parents.

  • What are the symptoms? A very grumpy and agitated baby, who cries a lot and often folds their legs over the tummy.
  • Fortunately, your pediatrician is your best friend in these cases, and can suggest an effective treatment that will quickly relieve your baby.
  • His wise advice can also help you change some habits to help relieve baby and find more serene days!