24 May 2022

The first weeks with baby

The first few weeks with your newborn promise to be full of new things. This newborn guide will help you stay calm and prepare for this not-so-restful, but unforgettable time.

  • There's strength in numbers: after pregnancy and childbirth, your body needs to rest. Fortunately, you can count on the support of those close to you to help you out.
  • Don't hesitate to ask your partner to help you take care of your child. This allows them to gradually take their place as a parent at home and in baby's heart!
  • Allow yourself to limit home visits, especially if you feel exhausted. There's no need to overdo it!
  • A baby sleeps between 12 and 16 hours a day, but unfortunately not all at once. Hunger can wake him up night and day. You'll have to adapt to your baby's sleep patterns during the first few months.
  • Six out of ten babies develop jaundice in the first three days of life. This requires medical supervision but usually goes away on its own, without treatment.
  • Weight loss of 5-10% is common after birth. Again, this is nothing to worry about if everything else is fine.
  • Small pimples may appear on your baby's skin. They will go away quickly. Your baby will sneeze regularly, a sign that he or she is clearing out secretions from the airways. Hiccups are also common.
  • The umbilical cord, getting darker when drying out, should be cleaned with warm water two or three times a day. It will gradually heal and eventually fall off by itself within the first four weeks.
  • If your baby's head was slightly deformed during delivery, it will naturally return to its original shape in the following days. At this age, it is very fragile but also extremely flexible.
  • Take care of your health and make the necessary visits to an osteopath, gynecologist, or therapist in case of baby blues.

In this article

Are there one or more baby blues?


The baby blues, a temporary depression felt by most mothers after giving birth, can take many forms.

  • To describe this phenomenon, we often refer to a feeling of uneasiness that follows the birth and lasts for a maximum of two weeks.
  • Some women feel depressed before the birth, others do months later, and to varying extends.
  • If the symptoms persist beyond two weeks, it is called depression.
  • In any case, you can talk to your doctor or a therapist who will help you through this difficult phase.

Baby's first weeks


After the birth and all the related emotions, another adventure begins: the arrival of your baby at home.

  • During the first few weeks, your baby will sleep a lot and will also ask to be fed regularly. Say goodbye to full nights of sleep!
  • You may be concerned about a few β€œnormal” things, such as a rash, newborn jaundice or slight weight loss. Your doctor or obstetrician will answer all your questions.
  • Don't hesitate to ask for help and support from your partner and support system.